

面善[miàn shàn ]

词典look familiar眼熟;面熟;面善。

词典look kind in face

面善 汉英大词典

面善[miàn shàn]


(面熟) look familiar:


    This person looks quite familiar to me.

面善 网络解释

1. 面善的解释

1. mian shan:面盆 mian pen | 面善 mian shan | 面左左 mian zuo zuo

面善 双语例句

1. 对工作兢兢业业,对学习勤勤恳恳,对人们热情帮助,对老婆心慈面善
    Work diligently, to study diligently, passion for people to help his wife deal a look familiar.

2. 很多朋友都认为我是好人,和蔼面善,人很好…这些都是好朋友的评语,但我不以为意。
    I thought that Birmingham was the most uglyarea owing to the development ofindustrial revolution since the 18th century.

3. 如果看起来人面善且有经验的话,就让她在家中试做一段时间。
    If you look面善and experienced people, then let her try to do at home for some time.

4. 你很面善,我是在什么地方见过你吧?
    Haven't I seen you somewhere?

5. 面善的人是世界上最好的;这也是主人创造这么多他们的原因。
    Common looking people are the best in the world; that is the reason the lord makes so many of them.

6. 这个人面善得很。
    This person looks quite familiar to me.

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7. 你很面善,我好像见过你。
    You look familiar, have we met?

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8. 我们好像在哪里见过吧?你看起来好面善哦!
    You look familiar, where did I see you?

9. 面善

9. 老奶奶觉得商人乙很面善,心想:“他是个好人,应该不会像刚才那个人那么粗鲁。”
    The woman saw that this was a nice tender looking merchant and thought, " He's a good man, not like the rough-talking first salesman. "

10. 面善的解释

10. 他很面善
    He looks familiar to me.

11. 面善

11. 我是不是认识你?你看上去很面善
      Do I know you? You look familiar.

12. 长颈鹿面善而动人,褐色的大眼睛长着浓密的眼睫毛,保护眼睛免受灰尘的伤害。
      A giraffe's face is gentle and appealing, with big brown eyes that have thick lashes to protect them from dust.

13. 看起来体力充盈,很有威仪但很面善
      He looked lively and powerful, yet virtuous.

14. 第一印象,福斯特看起来可能太面善以至于不适于呆在欧洲最具统治力的球队里。但他用行动证明了自己钢铁般的意志。
      On first impressions, Foster might seem like too nice a guy to succeed at one of the most demanding clubs in European football, but his cheerful demeanour belies a steely determination.

15. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

15. 老奶奶觉得商人乙很面善,心想:“他是个好人,应该不会像刚才那个人那么粗鲁。”
      The woman saw that this was a nice tender looking merchant and thought," He's a good man, not like the rough-talking first salesman. "
