

非同小可[fēi tóng xiǎo kě]


词典be no trivial [trifling] matter

词典be not usual非同小可。

词典is not a small or usual thing.非同小可。

词典is not to be trifled with.非同小可。

非同小可 汉英大词典

非同小可[fēi tóng xiǎo kě]

be no trivial [trifling] matter; be not usual; (This matter) is not a small or usual thing.; (The matter) is not to be trifled with.; It is a serious matter.; It is by no means a small [trivial] matter.; It is by no means insignificant.

非同小可 网络解释

1. no laughing matter:to make a long story short 长话短说 | no laughing matter 非同小可 | start from square one 从头开始

2. no small matter:非请莫入--No Admittance except on invitation | 非同小可--no small matter | 非一日之功--cannot be done in a short time; take time and efforts

3. 非同小可

3. of no trivial matter:门庭若市 a much visited place; a store doing booming business | 非同小可 of no trivial matter | 咄咄逼人 in an overbearing manner
