

露面[lòu miàn]

词典show one's face<非正>露脸,出现;露面。

词典show one's head到场;露面;出头露面;露头。


词典appear [reappear] on public occasions

词典put in [make] an appearance

词典make the scene露面,参与。

露面 汉英大词典

露面[lòu miàn]

show one's face; show one's head; appear [reappear] on public occasions; put in [make] an appearance:


    make one's first appearance;

    他有整整一周没露面了, 所以我们都在想他出了什么事了。

    For a whole week he hasn't put in an appearance, so we are wondering what happened to him.

露面 网络解释

1. turn up:11 A 词义比较 在作者露面(turn up)的时间里. turn up出现;来临;露面;drive out驾车外出, 逐出;go away走开,离开;come out 出来. 13 A 逻辑推理常识运用 作者对自己的不准时、不守信和撒谎感到的不应该是恐惧害怕(frightened),

2. 露面是什么意思

2. show up:show off炫耀 | Show up露面 | shut off关闭

3. danci.911cha.com

3. appearance n:anticipate vt. 预期,预料,预感,期望 | appearance n. 出现,露面;外表,外观 | assist vt. 帮助,援助,协助

4. 露面在线翻译

4. to show one 's face , to show up:1、露面 to show one 's face , to show up | 丢脸 to lose face , face -losing | 老手 an old hand
