1. 霜林的翻译
1. 在他的眼中,现实中的太行山水的一山一石、一草一木固然都饱含着造化的神奇与自然的形态,但还有一种来自於历史的人文记忆,重峦叠嶂、烟雨空、屋宇小径、霜林落叶……都浸透着乡情,弥漫着诗意,历史画面与自然山水给他以艺术激情和创作灵感。
In his view, Taihang`s every mountain, every rock, tree and blade of grass hold the mystery of creation and nature`s form, but also hold memories of the history of humanity.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. 霜林醉实际指现在蒲州柿树的秋色。
Cream-lam drunk actually refers to now Po state of the Autumn persimmon.
3. 晓来谁来霜林醉?
Xiao-Shuang Lin drunk to Who?