1. 当天去的是天子山景区,一夜的雨加雪,使这个城市陷入湿漉漉雾沉沉的忙碌里。
Tianzishan go the same day that the area, a night of rain add snow to make the city into a busy wet in heavy fog.
2. 五奇曰,冬季零下10度时仍不结冰,如遇云雨天气,如梦如幻的天池,被薄雾细雨笼罩着,云帐低垂,细雨霏霏,灰蒙蒙、雾沉沉,似轻纱飘逸,如万珠滴翠。
Qi said the five, minus 10 degrees in winter when the ice is not, in the case of Cloud weather, Like a Dream of Tianchiru huan was a mist shrouded rain, cloud falls off, 霏霏rain, overcast, heavy fog, it seemsqing sha elegant, such as beadsdi cui million.
3. 雾沉沉
3. 假如月光不来假如星子们不肯睁开眼睛我们就用心中那团熊熊的火把夜燃烧起来把夜,烧成许多不寐的狂欢雾象一只迷途的羔羊不安地从夜的黑幕中探出头来火光,却映照出你脸上一片璀璨的红霞我们就用力扇吧扇出满天飞舞的星辰扇出阵阵扑鼻的肉香等到夜已深沉,等到星子们也在朦胧的烟火中沉沉睡去我们就唱起那首古老而难忘的歌以眼瞳交换纯朴以手心传送赤诚直到日间的烦恼与不快都己烧成一堆无言的灰烬忧郁——也烤成手上一只焦黑的鸡翅今夜,没有酒但我们俱己迷失迷失在失去的记忆里迷失在忘我的欢腾中
Should the moon refuse to make its appearance And the star to twinkle Let's use the fire in our hearts To kindle the night And turn it into a nightful of joy The fog is like the lamb gone astray Popping out its head uneasily from the black curtain of night The frame reflects The glow on your face Let's fan hard Fan out the dancing sparks Fan out the fragrance of the meat When the night is deep When the stars have gone to sleep in the misty smoke Let's sing that old and unforgotten song Exchange simplicity with our eyes Transmit sincerity with our hands Till the sorrow and unhappiness of the day Has burnt into A pile of wordless ashes And our melancholy Barbecued Into the charred chicken wing in our hands Tonight, we drink no wine But we are drunk Drunk in the lost memory Drunk in the joyous occasion
4. 雾沉沉的翻译
4. 笑声和谈话声在黑沉沉的夜雾中时高时低,显得愉快、亲切、随便,这些声音有的沙破而缓和,有的如音乐般嘹亮。
The laughter and talking rose and fell in the dark night air, pleasant, homely, carefree sounds, gutturally soft, musically shrill.
5. 雾沉沉的解释
5. 天气雾沉沉的,我不得不开得很慢。
It was very foggy. I had to drive very slowly.