

Amashi concubine;
雨师妾 双语例句

1. 那正是群雄逐鹿中原之际,神农氏、黄帝、蚩尤、西王母、夸父、刑天、火神祝融、赤松子、姑射仙子、雨师妾……传说中的神话人物尽数登场,不仅有英雄游侠、妖女灵兽、魔法异术,作品对亲情、友情、爱情及气势恢宏的战斗场面的描述亦丝毫不逊于古今大家。
    That was a time when warlords Zhuluzhongyuan, Shennong, the Yellow Emperor, Chiyou, West Queen Mother, braggadocio, torture days, Vulcan serious fire, Chisongzi, Hakaya fairy Amashi concubine...... the myth of the legendary figures listed out in full the stage, not only Hero Ranger, parthenopipes sacred beasts, magic iso surgery, works on kinship, friendship, love and the magnificent description of the battle scenes are in no way inferior to all past and present.
