

Rich and magnificent;
雍荣华贵 双语例句

1. 这位姑娘穿着最好的衣服雍荣华贵地走了出来。
    The girl sailed out in her best.

2. 那群雍荣华贵的人物全都站起来了,并且探身向前。
    The courtly world rose to its feet and bent forward.

3. 她的一举一动都显得落落大方,雍荣华贵
    All her attitudes were naturally grand and majestical.

4. 风格现代而不失传统、古朴典雅更显雍荣华贵,是不可多得的纯天然环保室内装饰精品。
    Traditional yet modern style, more flavor ronghua Yong You, are a rare natural green interior decoration products.

5. 雍荣华贵

5. 雍荣华贵的牡丹,既适合收藏、又是厅室装饰及馈赠亲友之最佳选择。
    Yong splendor of your peony, both for collection, is the Office of room decorations and gifts for friends and relatives the best option.

6. 你看它的花形,单瓣的,形如玫瑰却不似玫瑰弱不禁风,重瓣的,层层叠叠雍荣华贵堪与牡丹媲美。
    You see it a flower-shaped, Single, and shaped like a rose is not fragile like a rose, the double, layer upon layer Yong Kan ronghua your rival and Peony.

7. 整体设计,题材吉祥,牡丹花开,雍荣华贵,花瓣层层包裹,有的怒放,有的含苞,粉红色的花朵,醒目润眼,与青翠的秀竹篱笆相得益彰,色调高雅清新,值得收藏!
    Some in full bloom, some bud, pink flowers, eye-catching Run eyes, and verdant bamboo fence the other

8. 朗月浮云,青竹篱笆,雍荣华贵的牡丹花怒放,花香浓郁,香气溢人。
    Long floating clouds and green bamboo fence, Yong splendor of your peony in full bloom, the scent flavorful aroma Yi people.

9. 这位姑娘穿着最好的衣服雍荣华贵地走了出来。皇后穿着波斯国进贡的华服,真是雍容华贵。
    The girl sailed out in her best. The queen looked so elegant and poised in a gorgeous dress given in tribute by Persia.

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10. 此款鸾凤和鸣,牡丹花开,雍荣华贵
    Cixin sounds and chirping and the peony flowers, the splendor of your yong.

11. 雍荣华贵的翻译

11. 欣赏此款作品,雍荣华贵的牡丹花怒放,花香浓郁,香气溢人。
      Appreciate this money work, the costly peony of Yong Rong in full bloom, fragrance of a flower rich, fragrance overflows person.

12. 几千年来,雍荣华贵的象牙雕是帝王贵戚、钟鸣鼎食之家争相收藏的对象。
      For thousands of years, kings, noblemen, and the rich and powerful have vied for the possession of elegant ivory carvings.
