1. 雁门山的反义词
1. 有五台山、芦芽山、赵杲观、禹王洞四座国家级森林公园,有历史上著名的古长城重要关隘雁门关、宁武关、偏头关,有八路军总部遗址、有现存最大的祠宇杨家祠堂、有旧中国最大的封建官僚私邸闫锡山故居,有黄河娘娘滩、宁武天池、万年冰洞等一大批旅游景点。
There are Wutaishan, Luyashan, Zhao Gao, and four holes Yuwang national forest park, the historic importance of the ancient Great Wall pass Yanmenguan, Ningwu customs clearancepian tou, the site of the Eighth Route Army headquarters, the largest existing Yang ci yu ancestral old feudal China's largest bureaucracysi di House Yan Xishan, a Yellow Niangniang Beach, Ningwu Tianchi, years a large number of tourist attractions such as ice cave.