

难如登天[nán rú dēng tiān]


词典as difficult as to climb up to the sky难如登天。


词典as difficult as going to heaven难如登天。

难如登天 汉英大词典

难如登天[nán rú dēng tiān]

as difficult as to climb up to the sky; as difficult as going to heaven

难如登天 网络解释

1. a camel to go through the eye of a needle:14. Moses' rod摩西的杖. | 2. a camel to go through the eye of a needle难如登天. | 3. neither poverty nor riches不贪也不富.

2. 难如登天

2. nanrudengtian:耐人寻味nairenxinwei | 难如登天nanrudengtian | 男人和女人nanrenhenvren

难如登天 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 在比分如此接近的情况下,如果你这样轻率地处理球的话,想取胜难如登天
    We can not win the game the closed if you turned the ball like that.

2. 要为这个语言的标准功能添砖加瓦简直是难如登天
    Adding to the language's standard functionality was very difficult.

3. 难如登天

3. 凡是熟悉巴黎近邻的人,都知道要找块偏僻的地方难如登天
    Those who know anything of the vicinity of Paris know the extreme difficulty of finding seclusion.

4. 然而,选择一枚完美的戒指并非易如反掌,但也不是难如登天
    Yet choosing the perfect ring is no easy feat and in many ways it has never been so hard.

5. 要使设计的会议中心既能有效发挥功能,又要满足心灵需求,这简直难如登天
    It is nearly impossible to design convention centers that function efficiently yet satisfy the soul.

6. 工作真的很难找,特别是我这种没有学历的人找工作真是难,随便找一份是很好找,可是找份合适自己的好工作可就难如登天啦。
    My younger sister came back college this moring, so i am along at home.

7. 想要把这么地道的中文译成地道的英文对于我这个还没考专八的人来说真是难如登天
    Otherwise, their friendship along with the rapport and friend`s balance would be destroyed.

8. 第一次遇见燕姿是在8月15日在北京她演唱会过后,万万没想到一个月后9月16日竟然会在那么不可能的瑞士雪山上再遇见她。。。对我来说,这意义非凡,仿佛上帝在跟我们,尤其是例外人讲话。。。大家都知道现在唱片市场非常不景气,想要出名和唱片卖得好几乎难如登天,偏偏神又呼召例外人这时候出来发片,走进乐坛!
    The first time I met Stephanie was in Beijing on Aug 15th after her concert, I never expected to meet her again one month later on Sept 16th on top of a Swiss mountain… To me, this is very significant, as if God is saying something to us, especially The Remnant… We all know that the music industry is struggling to survive nowadays, and to want to become famous and have good album sales are like reaching for the stars, and yet God called The Remnant out to release their album and to enter the music industry at such a time like this!

9. 第一次遇见燕姿是在8月15日在北京她演唱会过后,万万没想到一个月后9月16日竟然会在那么不可能的瑞士雪山上再遇见她。。。对我来说,这意义非凡,仿佛上帝在跟我们,尤其是例外人讲话。。。大家都知道现在唱片市场非常不景气,想要出名和唱片卖得好几乎难如登天,偏偏神又呼召例外人这时候出来发片,走进乐坛!
    The first time I met Stephanie was in Beijing on Aug 15th after her concert, I never expected to meet her again one month later on Sept 16th on top of a Swi ss mountain… To me, this is very significant, as if God is saying something t o us, especially The Remnant… We all know that the music industry is struggli ng to survive nowadays, and to want to become famous and have good album sales are like reaching for the stars, and yet God called The Remnant out to releas e their album and to enter the music industry at such a time like this!

10. 它再也无法重现1999年的光辉岁月,要阻止谷歌和Facebook从大型广告客户手中抢走大量生意,难如登天
    It will never return to its glory days of 1999, it will be hard enough to keep Google and Facebook from stealing ad dollars from big advertisers.

11. 难如登天

11. 樵夫式复查&一直等到代码库变成庞然大物再进行复查,而这时要进行完整的复查已经变成了难如登天且事倍功半的任务。
      Tree killer review-Waiting until the codebase becomes so large such that neither a complete review is possible nor effective.
