

Accompany care;
陪小心 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 让我活下去。每一个人都践踏着我,哦,高贵的人请过来救我,我在这辈子做了坏事,为什么你不来拯救我?!因为你已经有了我所需要的一切!我知道我即将要付出代价。我走在晚上混乱和战争过后的大街上,我是这样一个眼含着泪寻找光明的人。路是黑的,但我知道他会来救我。高贵的人是我的谢泼德,我很冷静,尽管有除上帝之外我该害怕的紧急的危险。谢谢你对我的保佑及演说的技巧。五年之间我知道这里没有了尊贵和体面。最后我在我身上看到了希望,正崛起的必须倒下。当你往死亡之城前进的时候,我会陪在你身边,永远向前,几乎从不往后看。我的驾车上粘有那么多的泪水和毒蛇。现在我正驾驶着我高大的坐骑,你的笨驴太迟了所以小心那条线。NANA坐在房子里告诉你,我所看见的就是我所感受到的,所以让我独个呆着。
    Everybody's tripppin'on me Oh lord come help me please I did some bad things in my life Why can't you rescue me'cause you've got all i need I know i got to pay the price Cheppin'thru the streets at night after a fuss and fight Tears in my eyes i'm a man lookin'for the light Dark is the path i know he will rescue me The lord is my shepard i'm cool despite emergency Whom shall i fear exept the god Thank you for the blessin'a nd the skils on the mic Five years we know there's no diggity Free at last see the light in me What goes up must come down I'll be around while you heading towards deathtown Allways look forward hardly never look back So many tears and the snakes on my jock Now i'm riding in my big fat ride Your ass is late so look for the line Nana in the house to let you know What i see is how i feel so leave me alone I am lonely lonely lonely I am lonely lonely in my life I am lonely lonely lonely God help me help me to survive!

2. 陪小心的反义词

2. 我可不是抄袭歌词哦:我的宝贝,宝贝,给我你的笑脸,今夜我就很好眠~我的XI妹,XI妹,瞧瞧你的眉眼,心情就变特别甜。啦啦啦啦啦啦,我的XI妹,感觉你就在我身边,啦啦啦啦啦啦,我的宝贝,有你世界就更美~呵呵呵,想你!电话信号不好,就不打了,打不通,打通了也听不清,你让我不要和你发短信呢,我知道你打字聊天很累,所以你就不用回啦,静静的看我发给我你的信息,感受我对你的牵挂和想念就好啦~这么玩还不睡觉,我知道你也变得和我一样喜欢晚睡了,但是我还是担心你的身体,如果晚睡小心内分泌失调哦~嘿嘿嘿嘿!我的XI妹,你一定也像我一样想你吧?今天工作辛苦了,我也上了几乎一天的课,现在才有时间回到家弄好饭吃,每天傍晚的时候总是希望你能和我一起吃饭,所以这个时候我特别喜欢给你打电话,感觉你就在我身边陪着我,所以,请原谅我经常凌晨给你电话吵到你哦~呵呵!
    If love is in the air, and love is all around.

3. 陪女士用餐,小心点。
    Care to escort a lady to dinner.
