



词典Chen Yan陈言。

陈言 网络解释

1. Chen Yan:125 刘昉 LiuFang | 126 陈言 ChenYan | 127 张元素 ZhangYuansu

2. 陈言

2. bvqq:bvqjfyqj 随话答话 | bvqq 陈言 | bvqy 陈说

陈言 双语例句

1. 陈老师也会演反面人物,我想这样的角色会是一个挑战
    HaiMaXuan对陈言小语说:Chen2 Lao3 Shi1 is doing a Fan3 Mian4 Ren2 Wu4 as well, i guess this kind of roles are challenging

2. 写文章务去陈言
    Hackneyed words and expressions should be avoided in writing.

3. 陈言

3. 张謇作为江苏和东南地区的上层绅商代表,他在庚子年向东南督抚的陈言献策中,也显露出与上海庚子报刊时论类同的东南意识。
    As a representative of upper-level businessmen in areas of Jiangsu and Southeast China, ZHANG Jian also showed his consciousness of Southeast.

4. 陈言的翻译

4. 于是乎,一有闲隙就把玩着手机,等待那陈言旧语的短信将心事翻晒。
    Consequently, a gap put leisure playing mobile phone, waiting for that Chen made the old language of text messages to mind Fanshai.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 元代中后期,通过汉人儒士的上书陈言,国家逐渐立法禁止了“奴告主”的行为,但这一立法是自下而上的、被动的,因此在元代后期这一现象仍具有一定的影响。
    In the middle and later period of the Yunnan dynasty, some Han scholars submitted proposals for banning this term in the law but it did not completely disappear due to its historical influence.

6. 陈言

6. 你知道,我习惯于坦率陈言
    As you know, it is my habit to speak plainly.

7. 陈言的反义词

7. 其三,语言陈言务去,不落窠臼,奇特的比喻、隽永的幽默、反讽及许多陌生化的词语,使文章充满了新鲜的语言之趣。
    Thirdly, her essays, getting rid of stereotyped expressions, are filled with fresh languages with a lot of metaphors, humors, irony and strange words.

8. 陈言什么意思

8. 因为,从此之后,陈言俗语怎样在舞台上表达得恰到好处,就再不是一个秘密了。
    It was through this revolution in public discourse that the new comedy became possible.

9. 陈言的翻译

9. 他在这次大会上慷慨陈言
    He vehemently presented his views during the meeting.

10. 当海盗的计画被提及,我要说我有点是为了想要拍摄一部能让我孩子们观赏的电影。」戴普这样陈言
    When the pirate idea came around, I sort of said it would be great to make a movie that my kids could watch, Depp said.

11. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

11. 我私下朝见国王,向他陈言献策。
      I had a private audience with the King, and made a proposition.

12. 陈言在线翻译

12. 针对俄罗斯所为,发表令人生惧的陈言赘词后,这个「历来最伟大的联盟」还能做什麼?
      Having launched a fearsome tautology Moscow's way, what further action does the Greatest Alliance Of All Time take?

13. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

13. 为什么我写的始终别无二致,寓情思旨趣于一些老调陈言,几乎每一句都说出我的名字,透露它们的身世,它们的来源?
      Why write I still all one, ever the same, And keep invention in a noted weed, That every word doth almost tell my name, Showing their birth, and where they did proceed?
