

附会穿凿 双语例句

1. 世上多的是喜欢穿凿附会的人。
    People like to make things up.

2. 附会穿凿

2. 利用ITIL去适应你的需求,而不是穿凿附会的让你的需求去适应ITIL。
    Look for solutions that implement ITIL out-of-box, but are easily adapted to your unique requirements.

3. 不论先知的预言或诗人的篇章,我们都可以穿凿附会,把各种意见强加给它们。
    The text, whether of prophet or of poet, expands for whatever we can put into it.

4. 好吧,我闲得穿凿附会下,娱乐娱乐。
    Of course, like zy_ab said, don`t work too hard

5. 若你够虎烂,能穿凿附会,不妨想想,在学习其他新奇事物时,这七个心法一样受用不是吗
    Your skill will develop exactly to the extent that you take care of these simple basics.

6. 你的解释多有穿凿附会之处,很难让大家心服口服。
    Your farfetched explanation could hardly convince anybody.

7. 附会穿凿在线翻译

7. 我这一联是用的两个典,上句梅圣俞,下句杨大眼,你们不知道出处,就不要穿凿附会。
    I used two allusions in that couplet, one from Mei Sheng-yü in the first line and another from Yang Ta-yen in the second.

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8. 精神斗争乃系同主流思想对干,不是附会穿凿
    Mental fight means thinking against the current, not with it.

9. 过去一些读者对李商隐无题诗的研究往往穿凿附会,破坏了诗的整体艺术形象。
    Some scholars used to study Li Shangyins poem No Title with eisegesis so as to destroy the whole beautiful image of it.

10. 附会穿凿在线翻译

10. 如果你提前准备好了赞扬别人的话,或者在说之前已经过分想好了说话内容,听上去就会过于流畅,过于穿凿附会,令人怀疑。
    If you prepare compliments in advance, or think too much about what you are going to say before you say it, you may end up sounding too smooth or too polished, which is suspicious.

11. 文化被以文化的名义背叛了,那些文化上的穿凿附会和失去文化关联的物质空间复兴,常常不过是十足的历史捏造,背后的实质是纯粹的商业操作。
      Those lose material space rejuvenation with related culture, is often fabricated by sheer history, the essence of the back is the pure commercial operation.

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12. 精神斗争乃系同主流思想对干,不是附会穿凿。我等的使命是踢爆一切吹水老作,寻觅真相。
      Mental fight means thinking against the current, not with it. It is our business to puncture gas bags and discover the seeds of truth.
