

阴阳惨舒 双语例句

1. 道贯三才为一气耳,天以气而运行,地以气而发生,阴阳以气而惨舒,风雷以气而动荡,人身以气而呼吸,道法以气而感通。
    The heaven moves for breath; the ground arises for breath; the world extends for breath; the tempest shakes for breath; the human exhales for breath; the theurgy telepathizes for breath.

2. 阴阳惨舒

2. 韩菱纱:道贯三才为一气耳,天以气而运行,地以气而发生,阴阳以气而惨舒,风雷以气而动荡,人身以气而呼吸,道法以气而感通。
    The heaven moves for breath; the ground arises for breath; the world extends for breath; the tempest shakes for breath; the human exhales for breath; the the urgy telepathizes for breath.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 刘勰《文心雕龙》阴阳惨舒说与中国绿色文论的起点
    Doctrine of " Yin and Yang, Dismal and Cheerful " in Wu Se (Expression of Natural Images) of Liu Xie's The Literary Mind and the Carving of the Dragon and Starting Point of " Green " Literary Review in China

4. 阴阳惨舒

4. 刘勰《文心雕龙》阴阳惨舒说与中国绿色文论的起点
    Doctrine of " Yin and Yang, Dismal and Cheerful " in Wu Se (Expression of Natural Images) of Liu Xie's The Literary Mind and the Carving of the Dragon and Starting Point of " Green " Literary Review in China
