1. 闾里的翻译
1. glIolIcg:碟里 D'IatlIcg | 闾里 glIolIcg | 阙里 k'IwAtlIcg
1. 闾里
1. 闾里的生活是身处皇宫的人所不知道的。
People living in the palace have no idea about life in the countryside.
2. 康熙年间,丝弦戏在束鹿就已遍于闾里,乾隆年间,曾在北京向清王朝献艺。
Emperor Kangxi, silk string plays in Shulu been times in the Lv Li, Qianlong period, he performed in Beijing in the Qing Dynasty.
3. 伴随着大一统帝国的形成,政府为了加强对基层社会的控制,闾里制度等被强化和推广。
With the formation of the truly uniform empire, the government strengthened grassroots control, and Luli system was impressed and extended.