




闯荡江湖 双语例句

1. 闯荡江湖是什么意思

1. 我要闯荡江湖,割断那把我束缚于可恨的过去的一切联系,另找一个家、另谋一份好运道。
    I go out into the world, dissevered from every link which binds me to the hateful past, to seek another home and another fortune.

2. 闯荡江湖

2. 像你说的,事在人为,谁说过不准带老婆闯荡江湖啊,对不对!
    Like you said, there's no rule about that.

3. 世界肯承认自己不知的人少之又少,而以半瓶子醋闯荡江湖的却是多如牛毛,数不胜数。
    In this world, few people would like to admit that they don`t know; however, there are countless Jacks of all trades who show and work in various fields.

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4. 年轻人心胸大得很,闯荡江湖,四海为家,能从兰州只身跑到上海,他还会在乎上海的内环线、外环线与人民广场的距离吗?
    Young minds very large, soldier, Four Seas for home alone went to Shanghai from Lanzhou, Shanghai, he will care about Link, Link, and the People's Square distance?

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5. 欧撒那爵士的马鞍上,四面都挂着些皮子做的帽,每逢征服了一位闯荡江湖的骑士,就叫他发誓,愿意为我效犬马之劳,还给他定做一顶大礼帽,叫他戴在头上。
    Sir Ozana's saddle was hung about with leather hat-boxes, and every time he overcame a wandering knight he swore him into my service and fitted him with a plug and let him wear it.

6. 闯荡江湖的解释

6. 现代的年轻人,一离开校门就不再认真学习,以为靠那么一点点肤浅的知识,就足以闯荡江湖、谋取功名。
    Nowadays, many young men stop learning once they leave school, with their limited knowledge and skills they start to seek career and fame.

7. 和你结伴闯荡江湖吧!
    With you as my companion roaming the land!

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8. 你出国打球,是和别人一样独自出去闯荡江湖,还是携家带口一起去?
    Do you take your family with you when you have to play overseas or you are alone like many others?
