1. 911查询·英语单词
1. 因赈济饥民获罪、率众投奔闯王的河南举人李岩及其弟李侔,对李自成十分崇仰,在李岩的印象中,闯王胸怀大志,奋发有为,谦恭下士,待人以诚,自奉俭约,关心百姓疾苦,对将士如待家人,军纪严明,令行禁止,上下齐一。
A result of Bread felon to mobilize people defected chuangwang Henan juren Li Yan and his brother, Li Mou, for Li Zicheng very enshrines, in the Li Yan, the impression that chuangwang ambitious and enthusiastic, humble corporal, treating others with sincerity, Zifeng frugal, caring people's hardships, such as when family members of soldiers, disciplined and orders without exception, the upper and lower homogeneous grouping.
2. 李闯王一夫开天下,最终也只落得四壁楚歌。
Li Chuang Wang Yifu opens the world, also get song of 4 walls Hunan finally only.
3. 闯王
3. 明有裴、谢二将军设寨防闯王,后败死,里人钦其忠义,立庙祭祀,故更名将军岩,清乾隆间勒石记其事。
In order to honor their loyalty to the country, people change the name of the place to Jiangjun Rock, which means General Rock in Chinese.
4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
4. 任何传说都有一定的事实来源,闯王宝藏也不例外。
Every tale is based on the real event, so is the Chuangwang`s treasure.
5. 闯王
5. 由谁来打开闯王宝藏的大门?
Who can open the gate of the treasure?
6. 闯王什么意思
6. 这算是对他们的补偿,其实闯王早就听过你的事迹,非常欣赏你的身手,他说如果你愿意帮他这次,先前那回没办成的他就不追究了。
In fact, Li, Tzu-cheng has already heard about your fame. He really appreciates your talent. He said that if you are willing to take this case, he will forgive our failure last time.
7. 不过据闯王的最新预报,周六还是有小雨,周日才阴天,没有放晴的意思。
But according the latest weather forecast from Chuangwang, Saturday sitll has rainy, Sunday has cloudy, has no sunny day.
8. 闯王到底把宝藏在了那里?
Where is the the treasure?