闭门造车[bì mén zào chē]
词典shut oneself up in a room making a cart:闭门造车。
词典carry out one's idea irrespective of external circumstances:闭门造车。
词典divorce oneself from the masses and from reality and act blindly:闭门造车。
词典do whatever one likes individually, oblivious of the world
闭门造车[bì mén zào chē]
shut oneself up in a room making a cart; carry out one's idea irrespective of external circumstances; divorce oneself from the masses and from reality and act blindly; do whatever one likes individually, oblivious of the world; draw up plans behind closed
1. 闭门造车
1. Building a cart behind closed doors:杯弓蛇影 Mistaking the reflection of a bow for a snake | 闭门造车 Building a cart behind closed doors | 病入膏肓 The disease has attacked the vitals
2. 闭门造车
2. A selfish dancer:..self-obsessed... focused on himself.|固执己见,强迫自己.... | A selfish dancer.|闭门造车. | I didn't know what to make of it. He started doing his own thing.|我不知道该怎么办 他开始弄自己的一套,临场发...
3. work on a project without reference to what the world requires:闭门羹 given cold shoulders | 闭门造车 work on a project without reference to what the world requires | 便民措施 measures for efficient services
4. Work behind closed doors:
99.拭目以待 to wait and see |
100.闭门造车 Work behind closed doors |
101.视死如归 to look on death without flinching