长跪[cháng guì]
词典prostrate on the ground:长跪;伏地。
长跪[cháng guì]
prostrate on the ground
1. 长跪
1. 它总会把你击倒,跪下来,让你永远长跪不起。。。
It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently...
2. 长跪
2. 那一年,长跪在庙宇,不为神佑,只为在你心里流下一滴眼泪。
That year, I genuflect in front of the temple, not for pray, onlyfor leave a tear in side your heart..
3. 感恩,遇神殿我长跪不起。
And at each shrine I bend my knee in turn.
4. 长跪的解释
4. 被此话震惊的太监,双腿长跪哀请淑妃回宫。
This remark was shocked by the eunuchs, legs Changgui mourning please Shufei Huigong.
5. 长跪的意思
5. 应当长跪乞和的时候,她却向他挑战;应当尽心竭力服侍他、敬爱他、顺从他的时候,她却企图篡夺主权,发号施令:这一种愚蠢的行为,真是女人的耻辱。
I am asham'd that women are so simple To offer war where they should kneel for peace; Or seek for rule, supremacy, and sway, When they are bound to serve, love, and obey.
6. 长跪的翻译
6. 应当长跪乞和的时候,她却向他挑战;应当尽心竭力服侍他、敬爱他、顺从他的时候,她却企图篡夺主权,发号施令:这一种愚蠢的行为,真是女人的耻辱。
I am ashamed that women are so simple To offer war where they should kneel for peace; Or seek for rule, supremacy and sway, When they are bound to serve, love and obey.
7. 四个月来被锁在Menik农场难民营的带刺铁网后面的Vany Kumar声称拘禁者还被罚在烈日下长跪数小时,那些与战败的泰米尔猛虎组织相关嫌疑人被带走后再也没出现过。
Vany Kumar, who was locked up behind barbed wire in the Menik Farm refugee camp for four months, also claims prisoners were punished by being made to kneel for hours in the hot sun, and those suspected of links to the defeated Tamil Tigers were taken away and not seen again by their families.
8. 王生到处寻找道士的踪迹,最后在野外遇到了,于是长跪不起,苦苦求救。
Searching everywhere, the scholar found the priest at last in the wildfields and knelt down before him for help.