




镇石 双语例句

1. 镇石在线翻译

1. 东莞市东厨厨具设备公司:(原名东莞恒丰环保厨具厂),位于东莞市茶山镇石大路之间。
    Dongguan City East kitchen kitchen equipment company:(formerly known as Prudential environmental kitchenware factory in Dongguan), located in Dongguan City, Cha Shanzhen stone road between.

2. 镇石在线翻译

2. 5个中心镇----jianggao镇白云区石岭镇花都区沙湾镇番禺区太平镇从区和镇石潭增城区----人是首先重点发展的城镇。
    Five central towns ----Jianggao Town in Baiyun District, Shiling Town in Huadu District, Shawan Town in Panyu District, Taiping Town in Conghua District and Shitan Town in Zengcheng District ---- were the first key development towns.

3. 帐篷的各角用镇石压着。
    The corners of the tent were weighted down.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 石壁镇石碧村为客家祖地,仅台湾同胞中就有60多个姓氏600多万人的祖籍源于此地。
    Shek Pik Shek Pik village to the town of Hakka ancestors, only Taiwan compatriots more than 60 names out of more than 600 million people, whose ancestral home is from here.

5. 其中:田螺冲位于韶关市东郊,距市区约6千米,西临浈江河,紧靠国道323线,与新韶镇黄金村、大源村连成一片,面积约0.5平方千米;大塘山矿区位于韶关市韶塘路9千米,毗邻与韶关大学和新韶镇石山村,面积约0.8平方千米。
    Of which: Snail Chong is located in Shaoguan city, eastern suburbs, about 6 km away from the urban area west Zhen rivers, close to national highway 323 line, with the new town of Golden Village, Shao, Tai Yuen Estate, even as an area of about 0.5 square kilometers; Datang Mountain mine is located in Shaoguan City, Shao Tong Road 9 km, adjacent to the new with the Chalmers University and the town of Shaoguan Shi Village, an area of about 0.8 square kilometers.

6. 镇石的意思

6. 风水犯忌必然有灾难,要镇石镇符,灾埚才会止息。
    Fengshui犯忌will have a disaster, it is necessary to address the town of Stone Town, disaster crucible will stop.

7. 总公司位于:广东省寥步镇石步石大公路70号。
    Head office is located at: Guangdong Province town of lonesome Step Stone Step Stone Great Highway No.

8. 镇石

8. 这座桥靠石拱支撑。帐篷的各角用镇石压着。
    The bridge rests on stone arches. The corners of the tent were weighted down.

9. 帐篷的各角用镇石压着。大足石刻与龙门、敦煌和云冈石刻齐名。
    The corners of the tent were weighted down. Dazu Stone (Sculptures) Carving is as famous as the Buddhist Carvings at Longmen, Dunhuang and Yungang.

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. 乡镇政府如何在农民致富中发挥积极作用&来自栾川县潭头镇石坷村的调查报告
    How to Let Town Government Play an Active Role in the Process of Farmers'Fortune Making
