锦绣河山[jǐn xiù hé shān]
词典the beautiful rivers and mountains:锦绣河山。
词典a land of charm and beauty:锦绣河山。
词典the beautiful landscape:锦绣河山。
词典the beautiful land [country]
锦绣河山[jǐn xiù hé shān]
the beautiful rivers and mountains; a land of charm and beauty; the beautiful landscape; the beautiful land [country]; the lovely land
1. 锦绣河山什么意思
1. land of charm and beauty:7. 鸟瞰 a bird's-eye view of | 8. 锦绣河山 land of charm and beauty | 9. 名胜古迹 scenic spots and historic sites
1. 锦绣河山的意思
1. 两位主持人使用双语主持,在晚会开始时特意介绍了外语天地区所走过的道路:外语天地,似网上的一叶偏舟,赋予了一方儿女的智慧,让我们挥动手中的笔,描写一段锦绣河山。
Foreign Language heaven and earth, it seems online leaf partial boat, gives one the wisdom of children, let us wave the hands of the pen, describing a beautiful rivers and mountains Narrative of our dreams, recollections with you my story.
2. 锦绣河山是什么意思
2. 你们一定看见过祖国的锦绣河山吧。
No doubt you have seen the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland and bar.
3. 书就像我的眼睛,带着我看到了五彩缤纷的大自然,看到了祖国的的锦绣河山,看到了世界灿烂的历史文化。
Book is like my eyes, I saw colorful with nature, see the homeland of the beautiful rivers and mountains and see the world the brilliant history and culture.
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4. 我承认我向往欧美的生活,虽然我热爱中华文化和锦绣河山,但似乎异国的写意并不能在这个国度被复制。
Those houses are so fascinated because they can syncretize both environmental protection and comfort so perfectly.
5. 我承认我向往欧美的生活,虽然我热爱中华文化和锦绣河山,但似乎异国的写意并不能在这个国度被复制。
Those houses are so fascinating because they can syncretize both environmental protection and comfort so perfectly.
6. 贵国锦绣河山的伟大文化热情洋溢地向全人类发出呼吁。
The great culture of your diverse land speaks with a glowing passion to all humanity.
7. 这锦绣河山不仅出现在画家的画笔下,诗人的吟诵中,摄影爱好者的镜头里,甚至连举国通行的人民币上也将之收纳其中。
This beautiful land not only appeared in the painter's brush, the poet's reciting, photographic lovers camera, even the country's currency will also practice the receive among them.
8. 河山人民热忱欢迎海内外各界朋友前来投资兴业,携手描绘新世纪的锦绣河山。
People of Heshan welcome friends both overseas and domestic to invest here, and create splendid Heshan of the new century.
9. 锦绣河山
9. 金色的朝霞在我身边飞舞,脚下是一片锦绣河山。
The golden rosy dawn flutters at my side, is a beautiful land under the foot.