1. 本论文在广泛阅读、收集各种文献资料的基础上,对宋代锁厅试这一科举制度进行了系统的梳理和全面的分析。
This paper is based on wide reading, collecting various references. It engages systematic arrange and fully analysis on this imperial examinations system.
2. 锁厅试是宋代科举考试的一种补充形式,是专门为有官的人举行的一种单独考试。
" suo ting " examination is a kind of supplementary way of imperial examinations in song dynasty, it is a kind of unique exam held especially for someone who is official.
3. 锁厅试的解释
3. 锁厅试是宋代科举考试的一种补充形式,是专门为有官的人举行的一种单独考试。
" suo ting " examination is a kind of supplementary way of imperial examinations in song dynasty, it is a kind of unique exam held especially for someone who is official.