

铭志[mínɡ zhì]


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1. folon ejetun:fodoho 柳树 | folon ejetun 铭志 | fonde 时候

铭志 双语例句

1. 以对置式和交换式为研究框架,归纳、分析了陈铭志复调音乐作品中处理声部组合的具体手段。
    This chapter takes " contraposition " and " the mode of reversion " as framework, sums up and analyzes the specific means in the combination of vocal parts in Chen Mingzhi's polyphony.

2. 颜铭志(1996)。国民小学教师教学信念、教学效能与教学行为之相关研究。
    B. (1989). Research in classroom: The study of teacher teaching and instruction.

3. 铭志什么意思

3. 颜铭志(民85)。国民小学教师教学信念、教师效能与教学行为之相关研究。
    M. (1984). The impact of the student teaching experience on the development of teacher perspectives.

4. 更多主要介绍作曲家陈铭志及其创作的复调钢琴音乐作品。
    The first part, it introduces Chen mingzhi and his piano polyphonic music creation.

5. 铭志

5. 整个计划将选取艺术中心三十年来的三十件值得纪念的人和事,分别以一件公共家具铭志一件事。
    In the exhibition, I will present the prototype of the public furniture with the following inscription to pay my tribute to Dr.

6. 弘 社群全体赠送一个铭志着一棵树的牌匾以示对她的欣赏及感激。
    Gymnasium, all the students, teac hers and staff, some of the governors as well as many of our

7. 诗人节,端午的别称,我想不仅仅是因为人们所纪念的屈原是位诗人,也是因为每年的这个时候,人们都会写诗来奠念他,表达人们的仰慕之情,借景以铭志
    Poets` day, was named not only because Qu Yuan was a poet, but also because many people wrote poet to memorize him, to express their admiration.
