铢积寸累[zhū jī cùn lěi]
词典let small amounts accumulate:铢积寸累;积铢累寸。
词典accumulate little by little:铢积寸累。
词典A lump sum is the total of pennies accumulated through years.:铢积寸累。
词典build up bit by bit:铢积寸累。
铢积寸累[zhū jī cùn lěi]
let small amounts accumulate; accumulate little by little; A lump sum is the total of pennies accumulated through years.; build up bit by bit; Huge capital investments came from the paltry savings of individuals.; It is the smallest particles added togethe
1. 尤其是凝练平实、结构匀当而又朗朗上口的1100条海洋渔业谚语更是浙江渔民几千年来铢积寸累的渔业生产经验总结和智慧结晶。
In particular, condensed-to-earth, yet easily understood, musical structure, uniform when the 1100 Marine Fisheries, Zhejiang fishermen, saying it is accumulated over thousands of years baht-inch tired of fishery production lessons learned and wisdom.