1. 铜乐队
1. Concert Band:华乐团 Chinese Orchestra | 铜乐队 Concert Band | 合唱团 Choir
1. 铜乐队在线翻译
1. 结果铜古乐队一行先去了意大利后来到伦敦,途经利物浦一候车亭时在那睡了一觉,直到1月2日才到达各自家中。
In the event, the band did not get back to their families until January 2, after travelling to Italy and London, via sleeping rough in a Liverpool bus shelter.
2. 铜乐队的近义词
2. 交响乐队是由许多不同的铜乐器,木管乐器,打击乐器,弦乐器组成。
A symphony orchestra is composed of a variety of brass, woodwind, percussion and stringed instruments.