

钩玄提要[gōu xuán tí yào]

词典search into an abstruse subject and indicate the importance.钩玄提要。

钩玄提要 汉英大词典

钩玄提要[gōu xuán tí yào]

search into an abstruse subject and indicate the importance.

钩玄提要 双语例句

1. 在执业实践中,徐新明律师精于推理,善于思辨,面对纷繁杂乱、变动不居的项目谈判及案件纠纷,能够以独特的高度和视角条分缕析,钩玄提要,深刻而精准的把握隐藏于表面事实之后的本质法律关系,随机应变,出奇制胜。
    Facing numerous and complicated negotiations and cases which keep on changing all the time, Lawyer Xu may grasp exactly the essences of legal relationship below its surface appearances and analyze them clearly with a unique visual angle on a certain height.

2. 在执业实践中,秦鹏律师精于推理,善于思辨,面对纷繁杂乱、变动弗居的项目谈判及案件纠纷,能够以独特的高度和视角条分缕析,钩玄提要,深刻而精准的把握隐藏于表面事实之后的本质法律关系,随机应变,出奇制胜。
    Facing numerous and complicated negotiations and cases which keep on changing all the time, Lawyer Qin may grasp exactly the essences of legal relationship below its surface appearances and analyze them clearly with a unique visual angle on a certain height.

3. 本文论述了该书之所以能成为汉传佛教逻辑权威著作的原因,并对其主要的理论贡献和失误作了钩玄提要
    This paper explores the reasons why it could become the authority of Han Buddhist logic, and makes a brief comment on its theoretical contribution and mistakes.
