金銮殿[jīn luán diàn]
emperor's audience hall; throne room
1. Hall of Golden Chime:the Land of the East 东土 | Hall of Golden Chime 金銮殿 | Water Crystal Palace 水晶宫
2. 金銮殿的解释
2. the Hall of the Golden Throne:保和殿 the Hall of Preserving Harmony | 金銮殿 the Hall of the Golden Throne | 养心殿 the Hall of Mental Cultivation
3. 金銮殿是什么意思
3. Hall of Garden Chimes:Imperial Palace 皇宫 | Hall of Garden Chimes 金銮殿 | Chairman mao Memorial Hall 毛主席纪念堂
1. 金銮殿的翻译
1. 皇帝在金銮殿召见大臣们。
The emperor called his ministers into the throne room.
2. 这位Ecclestone先生显然话里有话,再看看F1的成长轨迹,这显然就在说F1必须调整好方向,随时向着遍地金银的金銮殿出发。
Keeping those words in mind and looking at the F1 track record, it could be said that the sport is steering towards a future pot of gold in Asia.
3. 金銮殿的近义词
3. 南京大学历史系教授张考虑:北方是紫禁城,韩国总统府,总统官邸,而不是强加紫禁城作为磅填补金銮殿,但其沉淀在南京包容丰富的文化味道,因此,老百姓的看法,从来没有低于南京故宫博物院。
Nanjing University history professor Zhang consider: the north is the Forbidden City, South has the Presidential Palace, the presidential palace while not imposing Forbidden City as pounds fill the金銮殿, but its sedimentation in Nanjing inclusive culture rich flavor, so that ordinary people`s perception of Nanjing never inferior to the National Palace Museum.
4. 清末,陇东皮影出现了带有复杂图案构成的大片布景,如花果山、金銮殿,称之为大片,尺寸为220-50厘米,中片亦有100厘米。
End of the Qing Dynasty, Longdong shadow pattern emerged with complex consisting of large sets, such as Huaguoshan, 金銮殿, known as the large size of 220-50 cm, 100 cm in the film there.
5. 主要建有汗宫大衙门、正白旗衙门、汗王井、关帝庙、满族民居、塔克世故居、八旗衙门、协领衙门、文庙、昭忠祠、刘公祠、启运书院、城隍庙等一大批古建筑群及遗址等。
The main building has Khan Palace yamen (commonly known as金銮殿), is a white flag yamen, Khan Wang wells, temple, Manchu residential Tucker World House, the Eight Banners yamen, the Association collar yamen, Confucian Temple, 昭忠祠, 刘公祠, Qiyun College, Temple, such as a large number of ancient buildings and sites, such as.
6. 金銮殿的近义词
6. 宋朝有个梁灏,在82岁时才考中状元,在金銮殿上对皇帝的提问能够对答如流,其他生员皆不如他。
Liao Hao in the Song Dynasty passed the Imperial Examination at the age of82.He defended himself so well when the emperor questioned him at the court that he was better than all other examinees.