

Meet again;
重遇 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. -Reunited:07. 不还你 -You Can t Have It Back | 08. 重遇 -Reunited | 09. 温哥华 -Vancouver

2. 重遇


3. Beunited:07.不还你 You can't have it back | 08.重遇 Beunited | 09.温哥华 Vancouver

重遇 双语例句

1. 重遇什么意思

1. 在我说再见之前,我可以向你们保证我们很快会有另一个灵魂和思想上的重遇
    Before I say goodbye, let me assure you that we will have another meeting of minds and souls again very soon.

2. 让我相信你我还有重遇的那一天
    And to believe I will see you again.

3. 重遇的反义词

3. 如果你相信你会重遇你的牛,很快你们便能再相遇。
    If you believe you will see your Ox again, again you will see.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 这一次拍《大兵小将》我重遇一些老朋友,也认识了一些新朋友。
    While filming this movie I met up with some old friends and I also became acquainted some new friends.

5. 该大厦的建设又重遇了大楼基础建设系统的问题。
    Rather than expressing the literal image of technology, the goal is to create technological ambience.

6. 在那里,我们重遇故知,追忆所有我们想念的事物。
    There, we can renew old acquaintances and catch up on all the things we missed.

7. 重遇的解释

7. 白色海滩在召唤,你我将重遇
    White shores are calling, you and I will meet again.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. Jack在西安秦俑博物馆重遇William,他兴奋地向Jack透露,发现灵棺宝石可抵御地心引力,遂将浮力宝石据为己有,William更投向假借学术盗墓走私的古先生,依附对方的财力,继续进行研究,Jack痛斥William自私的行径
    The Qin-era terracotta statue museum of Jack at Xian is heavy to meet the William, he reveals toward Jack excitedly, discover to work properly the coffin precious stone and can resist the gravitation pull of the earth, hence appropriate to oneself the buoyancy precious stone, the William even throws to make use of academic steal treasures in tomb the ancient Sir(SUN ZHOU SHI4) of the smuggle, depend on the financial power of the other party, continue to carry on the research, selfish behavior of the Jack rebuke William

9. 有一天,她重遇亲生女儿子晴,决定找回失去很久的女儿,哪怕使用不太妥当的方式。。。
    Since then, she decided to be with her daughter no matter what it takes. Lee Ja-kyung never gets to know her birth parent.

10. 再過幾年,重遇這位學長,人已經變得非常犬儒了,他喜歡帶著一種略嫌誇張的冷笑去談自己的工作,似乎是為了自我解嘲。
    In a few years, re-encounter the seniors, who have become very cynical, and he likes a bit with an exaggerated sneer talk about their work, seems to be self-mockery.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. 希重遇嘉高兴之际,骇然发现嘉不但名花有主,护花人竟是言。
      Time was served for a crime he did not commit.

12. 秦奋也开始踏上网上征婚的路途,一路笑话不断,不是重遇Gay友,就是遇到推销客,秦奋颇有点心灰意冷,以致遇到清冷女子梁笑笑时便开门见山请求对方说明来意。
      Qin Fen-line marriage have begun to set foot on the road, constantly jokes along the way, the event is not re-Friends of the Gay was the sell-off, Qin Fen rather disheartened encountered so cold woman smiled Liang when The request had come straight to the point that the other side.

13. 采花贼。被逐出师门的晶重遇强,拜了强的老大为师,成立「新精武门」参加世界拳王大赛,与大师兄在擂台一决雌雄。
      Through the big brother Huo Wei Zheng迷奸For Central Amin daughter of a good thing, Xiao-jing duo have been stigmatized as anti

14. 重遇什么意思

14. 在聚会中,她重遇了她中学时代的男友,这位男孩现在婚姻美满,并且邀请她认识他的小孩。
      She met up with her 12th-grade boyfriend, who is happily married and wanted her to meet his kid.

15. 当两束光重遇后将发生干涉,并形成一个依赖于两条光路光程差的图样。
      When the two light beams recombine, they interfere and form a pattern that depends on the difference between the distances they traveled.

16. 在一次偶然的机会下,重遇曾在他家中当傭人,现已为人妇的希惠并得悉希惠嫁到伊势家後,天天受尽屈辱虐待,尘封已久的感情如今再度燃起。
      One day, he encounters Kie, who used to be his maid, by chance and rescues her as she is being abused in her married life.

17. 第三章侧重在安二十七岁自主能力觉醒的探讨,此时安有机会离开凯林区山庄,此行开拓了她的心灵,更使她肯定自己的才能,安的自我意识逐渐因此强化,更因重遇温特华斯而有机会正视自己先前逃避的毁婚,从而自己决心主动向温特华斯表明心意。
      The heroine becomes aware of her situation when she is twenty-seven.

18. 她终于重遇她的爱人。
      Finally she met her lover.

19. 我们将会在某天重遇
      We'll meet again one day.

20. 祈求在那天重遇
      Pray for that day reunited.
