

重起炉灶[chóng qǐ lú zào]


词典begin all over again重起炉灶。

词典make a fresh start改弦更张;重起炉灶;更张;重新做,白手起家。

重起炉灶 汉英大词典

重起炉灶[chóng qǐ lú zào]


begin all over again; make a fresh start

重起炉灶 双语例句

1. 实际上,他闯了好多祸,最后只好逃到澳大利亚去。可是,他在那里重起炉灶,和一个非常好的女孩结了婚,现在都成了百万富翁了。
    In fact he was in so much trouble he ran away to Australia.

2. 重起炉灶是什么意思

2. 在网络信息分类组织研究中存在着诸多选择和适度两大问题,前者如是选用《中图法》,还是重起炉灶
    There are two main problems in the study of network information classification organization: many choices and moderation.

3. 所以一点小事可能就升级了,最后,说不定,两人就闹得重起炉灶了!
    Therefore a minor matter possibly promoted, finally, two people were perhaps noisy make a fresh start!

4. Fetchmail 的设计应该作为一个纯粹的 MTA——正常的 SMTP 互联网邮件传输路径的一部分——来重起炉灶
    Perhaps the problem needs to be reframed. Well, I had reframed my problem.

5. 重起炉灶的近义词

5. Fetchmail的设计应该作为一个纯粹的MTA——正常的SMTP互联网邮件传输路径的一部分——来重起炉灶
    Fetchmail's design needed to be rethought from the ground up as a pure MTA, a part of the normal SMTP-speaking Internet mail path.

6. 所幸,通用再保的CEO乔·布兰登,和他搭档泰特·蒙卓斯重起炉灶,使该公司再
    Now, thanks to Joe Brandon, General Re`s CEO, and his partner, Tad Montross

7. 重起炉灶什么意思

7. 我们得把这件事情办好而不必重起炉灶
    We've got to get this done without going back to square one.
