

重话[zhònɡ huà]



重话 双语例句

1. 重话的反义词

1. 我得跟我们的这位朋友说些重话,说完了我就去找你。
    I wish to have harsh words with our friend here. I`ll come get you when I`m done.

2. 我们新老师只会说重话而不处罚。
    Our new teacher has been all bark and no bite.

3. 重话

3. 他的重话对我来说和用棍子打我一样难受。
    His heavy words were as much painful to me as the blows of a stick.

4. 重话

4. 他不舍得讲任何一句重话让你们觉得伤心难过,觉得受委屈。
    He dose not want to say any thing too harsh to hurt your feeling, make you feel sad

5. 重话什么意思

5. 在记忆中,爸爸从来都没打骂过我们,甚至重话都没说过一句。
    In my memory, dad had never scolded and beated us, ever didn`t show any serious words.

6. 在文章里,尼采似乎对犹太人说重话,事实上却是轻蔑反犹太主义论。
    Nietzsche seems to have harsh words for the Jews in this text but he was in fact scornful of anti-Semitism.

7. 重话什么意思

7. 一个多月下来她还不曾对我说过一句重话,而她对日语学习的热情和干劲更深深地感化了我,也许是因为初开日语课程的缘故吧,大家的起点都一样,都是从零开始,每次默写假名,背诵单词短语她从来没让我失望过,好多次她还得了满分,她的突出表现也影响着其他同学,他们也都不甘落后,从她身上我看到了当年自己学习日语的影子,和她一样兴趣十足,信心百倍,但她也有自己的烦恼,尤其是担心爸妈的不和,甚至是离婚,我也好希望她的家人团结和睦,这样我的Ella同学就可以快乐无忧地过每一天了,愿上帝祝福这位可爱自强的女孩以及她珍爱的父母。
    Others say she has little problem with her personality, because she is easy to get angry.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. 遭人攻讦是很受伤的感觉,但这是预备承受将来的荣耀,因为一个人若备受关怀与宠爱,未曾听过一句重话,他怎能当领袖﹖因为在上位者难免会被人指责挨骂!
    The yoke of censure is an irksome one, but it prepares a man for future honor. He is not fit to be a leader who has not run the gauntlet of contempt. Praise intoxicates if it be not preceded by abuse.

9. 在记忆中,爸爸从来都没打骂过我们,甚至重话都没说过一句。
    In my memory, dad had never scolded and beated us, ever didn't show any serious words.

10. 重话

10. 他俩结婚以来连句重话都没有过。
    Since their marriage, hardly a harsh word has passed between them.

11. danci.911chaxun.com

11. 我得跟我们的这位朋友说些重话,说完了我就去找你。
      I wish to have harsh words with our friend here. I'll come get you when I'm done.
