

重修旧好[chóng xiū jiù hǎo]

词典patch up broken relations重修旧好。

词典renew-friendly relations重修旧好。

词典renew cordial relations重修旧好。


词典become reconciled讲和;和解;兜拢;重修旧好。

重修旧好 汉英大词典

重修旧好[chóng xiū jiù hǎo]

patch up broken relations; renew-friendly relations; renew cordial relations; become reconciled; bury the hatchet; pass the sponge over; become friends again

重修旧好 网络解释

1. renew a friendship:removed from 远离 | renew a friendship 重修旧好 | replace...with... 用...代替...

2. 重修旧好在线翻译

2. v. make up:媒人 n. Matchmaker | 重修旧好 v. make up | 见面/认识 v. Meet

3. 重修旧好在线翻译

3. Reconciliation:[18:27.34]1.Did I miss something? 2.Did you say something? ;1.我是不是漏看/听/掉 了什么... | [18:38.47]21.Reconciliation 重修旧好 ; | [18:43.74]1.Can we discuss this like civilized people? ;1.我们能像文...

4. 重修旧好

4. Reconcile:Celibatarian抱独身主义者 | Reconcile重修旧好 | Reunite破镜重贺圆

重修旧好 双语例句

1. 重修旧好

1. 对于我们中间的大多数人来说,幽默不仅仅是生活的一个和蔼可亲的装饰,它是我们生活的一种复杂的才能,是一种攻击方式,一条防御战线,是一种对于生活的斗争中的不平等的抗议,是一种弥补过失和重修旧好的方式,也是一种对于生活中那些随意的、被破坏的和我们所不能控制的一切的一种妥协。
    To most of us, humour is not only a lively decoration of our lives, it is also a complex ability. It's an attacting style, a defence line, a protest to all the injustice in the battle of our daily life, and it is a way to make up mistakes and renew cordial relations. also it is a compromise to the things which is random, broken and we cannot control.

2. 当我到巴黎时,那天整个晚上,不管是在瓦松晚餐还是后来在帕拉德夜宵,你都哭得像个泪人儿似的;看到我时那份真心的欢乐、就像一个柔顺悔祸的小孩那样拉着我的手不放的样子,在当时显得那么单纯率真的悔过之意,这一切使得我答应与你重修旧好
    When I arrived in Paris, your tears, breaking out again and again all through the evening, and falling over your cheeks like rain as we sat, at dinner first at Voisin`s, at supper at Paillard`s afterwards: the unfeigned joy you evinced at seeing me, holding my hand whenever you could, as though you were a gentle and penitent child: your contrition, so simple and sincere, at the moment: made me consent to renew our friendship.

3. 当我到巴黎时,那天整个晚上,不管是在瓦松晚餐还是后来在帕拉德夜宵,你都哭得像个泪人儿似的;看到我时那份真心的欢乐,就像一个柔顺悔祸的小孩[17f]那样拉着我的手不放的样子,在当时显得那么单纯率真的悔过之意,这一切使得我答应与你重修旧好[17f]。
    When I arrived in Paris, your tears, breaking out again and again all through the evening, and falling over your cheeks like rain as we sat, at dinner first at Voisin's, at supper at Paillard's afterwards:[17.2] the unfeigned joy you evinced at seeing me, holding my hand whenever you could, as though you were a gentle and penitent child: your contrition, so simple and sincere, at the moment: made me consent to renew our friendship[17f].

4. 怕我一个人去会和bianchi重修旧好
    Afraid I Might Botch Things Up With Bianchi If I Were On My Own?

5. 重修旧好

5. 世间上不常见到人与人之间重修旧好的事;我们都知道,与人冰释前嫌是很难做到的。
    Reconciliation is a rarity in our world. We all know that making up is hard to do.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 这孩子因母亲久病不愈颇引人怜,已经成为一种重修旧好的阶梯了。这两方面最后讲和了。
    The boy had, with the additional softening claim of a lingering illness of his mother's, been the means of a sort of reconciliation

7. 重修旧好的解释

7. 你想我们可不可能重修旧好呢?
    Do you see any chance that we can get back toge the r?

8. 她本以为他会恨她入骨,决不会再理睬她,可是这一次邂逅而遇,他却好象急不待缓地要跟她重修旧好
    But above all, above respect esteem, there was a motive within her of good will which could not be overlooked.

9. 她本以为他会恨她入骨,决不会再理睬她,可是这一次邂逅而遇,他却好象急不待缓地要跟她重修旧好
    Gratitude, not merely for having once loved her, but for loving her still well enough to forgive all the petulance and acrimony of her manner in rejecting him, and all the unjust accusations accompanying her rejection.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. 她本以为他会恨她入骨,决不会再理睬她,可是这一次邂逅而遇,他却好象急不待缓地要跟她重修旧好。提到他们俩人本身方面的事情,他虽然旧情难忘,可是语气神态之间,却没有粗鄙怪癖的表现,只是竭力想要获得她亲友们的好感,而且真心诚意地要介绍她和他的妹妹认识。
    He who, she had been persuaded, would avoid her as his greatest enemy, seemed, on this accidental meeting, most eager to preserve the acquaintance, and without any indelicate display of regard, or any peculiarity of manner, where their two selves only were concerned, was soliciting the good opinion of her friends, and bent on making her known to his sister.

11. 在等待的期间,她们的丈夫是宜当挽留她们的,如果他们愿意重修旧好
      And their husbands have the better right to take them back in that period, if they wish for reconciliation.

12. 重修旧好

12. 那四位壮汉为一个瘫子所做的,耶稣为全人类做了∶将我们所有的罪扛在自己肩上;捣毁了死亡的高墙;使我们与天主重修旧好,能活出一个崭新的生命。
      What those four big strong men do with one paralyzed man, Jesus has done for all men: He has taken upon Himself the burden of our sins; He has broken down the walls of death and has made it possible for us to live a new life, reconciled with God.

13. 跟她爸重修旧好的事情
      So the whole reconcilement thing?

14. 重修旧好是什么意思

14. 这孩子因母亲久病不愈颇引人怜,已经成为一种重修旧好的阶梯了。
      The boy had, with the additional softening claim of a lingering illness of his mother's, been the means of a sort of reconciliation.

15. 10年前两国曾进行过边境战争,但现在正在重修旧好
      The two countries fought a border war a decade ago, but now they are mending fences.

16. 重修旧好的反义词

16. 法国和新西兰重修旧好
      France patched things up with New Zealand

17. 重修旧好

17. 这就促使许多美国人要求与拉丁美洲重修旧好
      This prompted many Americans to call for a rapprochement with Latin america.

18. 重修旧好所带来的全部坦诚,增强了最终进入我们心灵的情感,就像一场持续了一周、伴随着威胁和辱骂的争吵,最后甜蜜地消融在了相互谅解之中。
      What eventually followed was heightened by all the emotional rawness of a reconciliation, as though a calamitous week-long row with threats and insults were sweetly resolved in mutual forgiveness.

19. 重修旧好

19. 战争结束之后我们会重修旧好
      And when this conflict is over, we will reestablish commerce with them.

20. 世行正努力与中国重修旧好,吸收其成为世行在非洲的一个发展伙伴,并努力吸引更多的中国人到华盛顿等地与世行共事。
      The world bank is trying to refurbish its relations with China, joining it as a development partner in Africa and trying to attract more Chinese to work with it in Washington and elsewhere.
