1. 酒疯:饮用酒桶中自制的烈酒,在短时间内回复一定的魔法。
Drunken Rage: Gragas guzzles brew from his cask, restoring mana over a short period of time.
2. 是我们的朋友华特,他喝多了结果就开始发酒疯了
Our friend Walter, he got drunk One thing led to another...
3. 如果我说错了,你是那种喝点酒就会发酒疯的人,那就呆在家里吧。
Christmas parties are one of the few social obligations left in life.
4. 我那未婚的30岁的女儿具有酗酒并且发酒疯的毛病,在去年更加变本加厉。
My unmarried 30-year-old daughter has a drinking and behavioral problem that has escalate d over the past year.
5. 酒疯
5. 他喝酒唱歌然后就开始发酒疯
He drinks, and he sings and just loses his shit.
6. 当然,酒精的效果不只一种,例如酒精也会破坏人的自制力,我们很难在发酒疯事件中理出头绪,找出哪一种酒精效果才是最重大的因素。
Of course, alcohol has myriad effects, such as impairing self-control, and it is hard to know which is the biggest factor in drunken rampages.
7. 酒疯的意思
7. 晚饭以后,爸爸又拿起了酒瓶子,说瓶里的威士忌够他喝醉两回,外加一次酒疯。
After supper pap took the jug, and said he had enough whisky there for two drunks and one delirium tremens.
8. 他醉酒后就会耍酒疯,害得我只好朝邻居家跑。
He would be play mad after drunk, North Korea cause I had neighbors running.
9. 他想借耍酒疯来破坏我的宴会。
He tried to sabotage my party by getting drunk.
10. 他们想藉耍酒疯来破坏我的宴会。
They tried to sabotage my party by getting drunk.
11. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
11. 之前三番四次私下骚扰我,我也就忍了,现在居然趁酒疯大庭广众的来拉,极端过分。
I liked to run my fingers in his hair every time I felt loved and being given too much.
12. 发这么大的酒疯!
So much of the wine crazy!
13. 酒疯什么意思
13. 他在耍酒疯。
He was mad with drink.
14. 当初是发了什麼酒疯才签下他的??
Hideki Matsui says in first English comments to the media.
15. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
15. 那个喝得酩酊大醉的老人昨天夜里发了一阵酒疯,大吵大闹。
The drunken old man had a fit of the''.
16. 席上鲍勃发了回酒疯。
Bob threw a drunken fit at the feast.
17. 酒疯是什么意思
17. 例句但我们现在只听说许多人躺着~,却很少见有人象外国水兵似的满街发酒疯。
Blow a cloud -- to smoke opium; blow clouds; inhale clouds and exhale mist; opiumsmoking; smoke; smoke tobacco; swallow clouds and blow fogs
18. 酒疯在线翻译
18. 他两三天来狂饮威士忌,别人说他现在发酒疯。因公殉职,阵亡,战死,暴卒
He's been pretty high on whisky for two or three days…and they say he's got snakes in his boots now.
19. 酒疯
19. 有时我会在晚会上多喝几杯让自己发发酒疯。
Occasionally I'll have a few too many drinks at a party and make a prat of myself.
20. 酒疯在线翻译
20. 他酒后耍酒疯用平底锅打了她。
He hit her with a frying pan during a drunken brawl.