




鄂毕河 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 近半个世纪中,蒙古帝国以蒙古大汗为中心,三次西征,先后征服咸海以西里海以北的钦察、花剌子模和东起阿尔泰山西至阿姆河的西辽及畏兀儿,建立察合台汗国;占据鄂毕河上游以西至巴尔喀什湖的乃蛮旧地,建立窝阔台汗国;击溃伏尔加河流域梁赞、弗拉基米尔、莫斯科和基辅诸公国,建立钦察汗国;击溃两河流域伊朗、阿富汗和叙利亚,建立伊利汗国,构筑成历史上前所未有的辉煌帝国。现在,蒙古铁骑厉兵秣马,战意高昂,沿续先祖辉煌,将帝国更加奋发皇扬,是成吉思汗子孙们责无旁贷之重任。
    The name Il-Khan is also used to describe the branch of the Mongol dynasty that ruled over Iraq, the Caucasus, parts of Asia Minor, and all of Iran, as far east as Central Asia.

2. The资金。——收入鄂毕河通过对信用弃权票感兴趣,之后扣除的费用,重新向储户作为没有共同基金每年dividend。
    The income ob- tained through interest on credit is, after deduction of costs, redistributed to savers as a yearly dividend.

3. 鄂毕河什么意思

3. 下午晚些时候,一阵强风突然袭向了一处位于鄂毕河上两架桥间的沙滩,鄂毕河是世界第五长河。
    Suddenly in late afternoon heavy winds hit the sandy beach between two bridges across the Ob River, the fifth longest in the world.

4. 鄂毕河什么意思

4. 西伯利亚地区的河流都向北流入北冰洋,主要有鄂毕河(3650英里)、叶尼塞河(3487英里)、勒拿河(4400英里)和俄罗斯与中国的界河阿穆尔河(黑龙江,4350英里)。
    The Lena (2720 miles) and the Amur (Heilongjiang, 2740 miles) whch is the boundary river between Russia and China.

5. 鄂毕河

5. 西伯利亚地区的主要河流有鄂毕河(3300英里)、叶尼塞河(2550英里,安加拉河为其主要支流)、勒拿河(2720英里)和俄罗斯与中国的界河阿穆尔河(黑龙江,2740英里)。
    The four great Siberian rivers are the Ob (3300 miles), the Yenisey (2550 miles, with the Angara as its main tributary), the Lena (2720 miles) and the Amur (Heilongjiang, 2740 miles) which is the boundary river between Russia and China.
