

都抹 双语例句

1. 都抹

1. 打板子会不会在孩子内心的深处形成长大以后都抹不去的伤痕呢?
    Can spanking lead to permanent, hidden scars on children years later?

2. 都抹的翻译

2. 想一想看,如果有这么一种外科手术,能将可怕的记忆和错误都抹去,只是将一些美好的旅行和特别的节日记忆留下来,那么一切都变多么简单啊。
    Think how much easier it would all be if there was some swift surgical procedure to whisk away all the ugly memories and mistakes and leave only the fun trips and special holldays.

3. 是呀,肯定是皮肤痒痒,冬天干燥,洗澡不用过勤,三四天至一周一次都可以,洗后最好全身干燥的地方都抹一点婴儿用的润肤霜,妈妈在陪孩子睡时可以用手指肚轻揉一下孩子特别痒痒的地方。
    Yes, certainly the skin itch, dry winter, bathing do not have ground, first 34-1 days can be, washed, the best parts of the body dry baby wipe that the moisturizer, my mother`s in bed with baby can be finger belly轻揉you place your baby in particular itch.

4. 都抹在线翻译

4. 和他在一起的时光的神圣的,是任何人任何事都抹不掉的真实。
    My time with him is sacred to me and nothing or no one can diminish the truth of that.

5. 别把那些都抹到桌子上
    Don`t smear that all over the table.

6. 我在前后轮毂上都抹了润滑油,还调校了刹车。
    I greased front and rear hubs and adjusted the brakes.

7. 都抹的反义词

7. 她给自己从头到脚都抹上了强效防晒露。
    She plastered herself from head to toe in high factor sun lotion.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. 请在体温计的尾部和孩子的肛门口处都抹些凡士林润滑油。
    Put some petroleum jelly on the end of the thermometer and on the opening of the anus.

9. 用膏油把帐幕和其中所有的都抹上,使帐幕和一切器具成圣,就都成圣;
    Take the anointing oil and anoint the tabernacle and everything in it; consecrate it and all its furnishings, and it will be holy.

10. 摩西立完了帐幕,就把帐幕用膏抹了,使它成圣.又把其中的器具和坛,并坛上的器具都抹了,使它成圣。
    When Moses finished setting up the tabernacle, he anointed it and consecrated it and all its furnishings. He also anointed and consecrated the altar and all its utensils.

11. 三文鱼两面都抹上盐,放在盘子里,腌制30分钟左右。把海苔剪成小条,或者用手撕成小块儿。
      Sprinkle the salt on the both sides of salmon. Let marinate for about 30 minutes. Tear the seaweed into small pieces or cut into shreds.

12. 都抹的近义词

12. 在2011年的感恩节过后,Steven还发了一张自己搂着Hillary的照片,照片上两个人脸上都抹了奶油。
      After Thanksgiving 2011, he tweeted a photo of himself with his arm around her, showing the two with whipped cream on their faces.

13. 都抹的意思

13. 他们不仅来得早,而且把课桌都抹的干干净净。
      Not only do they come early, they also clean the desks very often.

14. 都抹的翻译

14. 不是把整块面包一下都抹上黄油。汤姆正在吃一块夹心面包。
      The whole slice is not buttered at once. Tom is eating a sandwich.

15. 出卖是永远都抹不去的污点。
      Betrayal is a stain that never ages.

16. 都抹

16. 打板子会不会在孩子内心的深处形成长大以后都抹不去的伤痕呢?
      But what about the long-term impact? Can spanking lead to permanent, hidden scars on children years later?
