

Jun di;
郡邸 双语例句

1. 全文共四章:第一章:主要论述西汉长安的诸侯王邸、列侯邸、郡邸的设立、数量、位置、主要作用、使用频率、最后的毁坏情况。
    The full text has four chapters:Chapter 1: primarily dissertates establishment, number, location, main function, frequency of use, destruction about the mansions of the princes, the vassals, the counties in Changan during the Han Dynasty.

2. 郡邸的解释

2. 第二章:主要论述东汉洛阳的诸侯王邸、列侯邸、郡邸的设立、数量、位置、主要作用、使用频率、最后的毁坏情况。
    Chapter 2: primarily dissertates establishment, number, location, function frequency of use, destruction about the mansions of the princes, the vassals, the counties in Loyang during the Eastern Han Dynasty.

3. 本文通过对相关史料的爬梳、整理,力图对两汉诸侯王邸、列侯邸、郡邸、蛮夷邸的设立、作用、毁坏等问题得到一个较为明确得认识。
    This thesis tried to get some clear acquaintance with the establishment, function and destruction of the mansions of the princes, the vassals, the counties and the barbarians during the Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty by sorting and arranging the related historical materials.

4. 郡邸什么意思

4. 与各郡的上计和地方诸侯王国的定期朝见相适应,在京师长安出现了诸侯王邸、列侯邸和郡邸,汉王朝对周边少数民族长期实行羁縻政策,随着双方实力对比的消长,双方既有对抗,又有友好往来,与汉王朝的羁縻政策相适应,在长安和洛阳都出现了蛮夷邸,作为接待少数民族使者的场所。
    So the mansions of the princes, the vassals and the counties were put up in the capital, Changan. For a long time the Han Dynasty used to bridling the minorities. With the rise and fall of the both sides strength, sometimes the Han Dynasty would oppose the minorities, but sometimes they associated friendly. As a result, the mansion of the barbarians appeared in Changan and Loyang to receive the envoys of the minorities.
