1. 邦伯里吗?哦,他完全给戳穿了。
Bunbury? Oh, he was quite exploded.
2. 本文进印梅加亚邦伯市及耆那山脉之地钱Frullania属和Jubula属之分研究。
Genera Frullania Raddi and Jubula Dum. liverworts belonging to family Frullaniaceae have been studied from Khasi and Jaintia Hills: Meghalaya in Eastern Himalayas.
3. 邦伯里重重地倒在了床上,让他疲惫的双脚休息一下。
Bunbury flopped down upon the bed and rested his tired feet
4. 邦伯
4. 奥利里想去开门,但是邦伯里抢先一把摁住了他的胳膊。
O'Leary made to open the door, but Bunbury forestalled him by laying a hand on his arm
5. 邦伯
5. 邦伯里手伸进前胸口袋里摸索钱包。
Bunbury groped in his breast pocket for his wallet.