

道藏[dào zàng]


词典collected Taoist scriptures道藏。

词典Taoist sutra道藏。

词典the Taoist patrology道藏。

道藏 汉英大词典

道藏[dào zàng]

collected Taoist scriptures; Taoist sutra; the Taoist patrology

道藏 双语例句

1. 目前,许多道教学者们正在重编道藏,并加入现代字眼和解说。好让道藏能够更容易阅读。道德经,是一本只有五千文的经书。是道教中的经典,也是最重要,最古老的一本道书。
    The Taoist Canon is an important source of reference for the religion; however, it is currently under utilized because of the obscure language and symbolism it contains.

2. 道藏

2. 对中国科学史有兴趣的人,可以从《道藏》里许多道士的著作中找到不少资料。
    If one is interested in the history of chinese science, the writings of the religious Taoists will supply much information.

3. 现在的这本道藏是明朝时编织的。道藏对道教来说是非常重要的。
    There had been several versions of the Taoist Canon over the different Chinese dynasties.

4. 道藏

4. 历朝历代都出现了很多版本的道藏。遗憾的是这些版本都被摧毁了。
    The contents comprise of religious, philosophy, rites, ceremonies, medical, geomancy, etc.

5. 道藏

5. 可是现在它还在重编当中,因为道藏内有和多深奥的字眼和图形。
    However, all had been destroyed except the last one complied during the Ming Dynasty.

6. 道藏的反义词

6. 研究主要从三个方面入手:一是考察了庄本的流传情况;二是从内容、音读、引书等几个方面对庄注进行了梳理;三是从版本比较的角度,考察了庄本与《道藏》本的异同。
    Our study can be divided into three parts: Firstly, we inspect the circulation of Zhuangkuiji's edition. Secondly, we make an investigation on Zhuangkuiji's notes from content. phonology and quotation.

7. 道藏的解释

7. 黄裳原为文官,因校对《道藏》而悟通武学义理。
    The insurgents fought back and 黄裳 had to flee.

8. 道藏的反义词

8. 《道藏》内容包罗万象,是一个亟待开发的庞杂文化体系。
    Collected Taoist Scriptures is a complex cultural system containing works in various fields.

9. 《周易》是我国传统文化的根干,儒家奉为群经之首,道家奉为道藏三玄之首。
    As the root of Chinese traditional culture, Zhou Yi is given first priority to by both Confucianism and Daoism.

10. 道藏的反义词

10. 作者以《道藏》本及《四库全书》本中的《灵棋经》为基本文献,考察“灵棋课法”的由来与归属。
    Taking advantage of Ling Qi Jing in Dao Zang and Si Ku Quan Shu, the author studied the origin and its ideology.

11. 道藏的近义词

11. 以敦煌道经写本题记为中心,探讨唐代《道藏》的编撰与道经的传写及经法传授的有关问题意义重大;
      Focusing on the notes in Dunhuang Taoist manuscripts, this essay discusses the compilation of Taoist cannon in Tang Dynasty and the copy of Taoist scriptures.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 儒家奉之为群经之首,道家奉之为道藏三玄之首。
      Since its introduction to China, Buddhism combined with Confucianism.
