1. 在这一时期的汉字文化圈内,既对抗又亲和的儒、释、道三家,无不受玄风熏染,多少带着道家的烙印,自中土流播海外。
In the Chinese character cultural circle of this period, Three kinds of thoughts of the Confucianists, Buddhist, Taoist school that confront with each other as well as merge, All corruptinged influence on by metaphysics, Taking the branding of thought of Taoist school, spread from ancient China to abroad.
2. 道家流的反义词
2. 首章对列子其人其书略作考辨和评述,并从伪书的标准、刘向《列子叙录》是否伪作、张湛是否作伪、《列子》是否包含佛教思想、《列子》是先秦黄老学著作还是魏晋玄学著作等五个方面考辨,认为《列子》基本保留了先秦道家列子流的思想脉络,有较明显的早期黄老学特征,其主体应当被看成是一部先秦子书;《列子》研究应立足于这个事实。
The. first chapter reviews the authenticity of the book and its author, its Buddhism ideas, discussing that Liezi is belong to HuangLaoXue works of PreQin Dynasty or to metaphysics works of Weijin Dynasty, concluding that Leizi is one of books of Zhuzi with characteristic of early thoughts of HuangLaoXue.