


词典be thoroughly familiar with透熟。

透熟 双语例句

1. 透熟的意思

1. 我依然负责着琉森的导游工作,随后的一天中,我算是把琉森摸了个透熟
    I still assumed our sacred guide so I had good performance in the following day.

2. 透熟在线翻译

2. 而我在你透熟的梦中,化为灰色的烟蕴,像地球在太空中,飘流,升降,浮动。
    And there in the center of the grey haze of your dream go I, shimmering, floating.

3. 成千上万的人脱掉自己的衬衫,奋力把一吨吨透熟多汁的西红柿掷向其他人,很快西红柿汁
    Juicy tomatoes at each other in the annual Tomatina food fight, creating

4. 透熟

4. 成千上万的人脱掉自己的衬衫,奋力把一吨吨透熟多汁的西红柿掷向其他人,很快西红柿汁就在小镇的街道上形成了一条条没过膝盖的河流。这就是西班牙一个小镇上一年一度的西红柿狂欢节。
    Tens of thousands of people stripped off their shirts and hurled tons of ripe, juicy tomatoes at each other in the annual Tomatina food fight, creating knee-deep rivers of tomato sauce on the streets of this Spanish town.

5. 透熟的翻译

5. 然后把用箔纸盖好的盘子放入烤箱,直到米完全烤得透熟并且粒粒分明(没有任何一粒米粘着另外一粒)。
    Then the tray, covered with foil, goes into the oven, until the rice is cooked through andnot a single grain sticks to another.
