

迷途知返[mí tú zhī fǎn]

词典become aware of one's errors and turn back from one's wrong path迷途知返。

词典able to correct one's own mistake迷途知返。

词典be aware that one has strayed from (the) right path

词典be determined to correct mistakes one has made迷途知返。

迷途知返 汉英大词典

迷途知返[mí tú zhī fǎn]

become aware of one's errors and turn back from one's wrong path; able to correct one's own mistake; be aware that one has strayed from (the) right path; be determined to correct mistakes one has made; realize one's errors and mend one's ways; recover [get

  例:犯罪分子应当迷途知返, 悬崖勒马, 不要在错误的道路上继续走下去。

    The criminals should stop on the precipice, retract from the wrong path and not go any further.
