

Dai Toyama;
远山黛 双语例句

1. 远山黛的意思

1. 星期天,我和爸爸妈妈以及表哥一家一起到城郊的大山里春游、野炊。清晨,太阳还没出,我们大家便带着锅碗瓢盆,骑着单车出发了。正是烟花三月,田野里满是绿油油的麦苗,黄澄澄的油菜花。自行车在缤纷的色彩里穿行。近山青,远山黛,翠竹里面有人家,远处的桃花李花像一朵朵红霞白云,也许还有一些蝴蝶蜜蜂在花间忙碌,一层淡淡的薄雾弥漫在田间。真是太美了,我真有点不敢相信这只不过是普普通通的乡野景色。
    Parents in the countryside can be a logical time to go back to visit parents, about the way the loss of my memory, but now the feelings of the home only in the minds of study, and can only remember the loss of more and more are only in the can remember only a small village those premises, and the darkness comes the warmth of those who smoke curl upwards, when night fell in the groups of cattle and sheep shepherd cries slowly in an orderly return of the beautiful sunset at each a white one seems to pink clouds, a small village at the junction of hope bloom into flowers......

2. 也喜欢久久地凝视你,在雨后黛青色的远山里,在雨后欢畅清澈的小溪里,在雨后那朵婀娜动人的云朵里;
    Like a long time to look at you, Dai blue mountains after the rain, in the rain mischievously clear stream, in the rain clouds moving in graceful tis;
