



词典urge sb. to drink进酒;劝酒。

进酒 双语例句

1. 当我们读到《诗经》里的《关雎》,屈原的《离骚》,陶渊明的《饮酒二十首》,李白的《将进酒》,杜甫的《自京赴奉先县咏怀五百字》,孟郊的《游子吟》,白居易的《钱塘湖春行》,苏轼的《水调歌头—中秋词》等诗时,我们就会逐步了解到诗人的思想是怎样在他们生活的时代里形成的。
    When we read Turtledove in The Book of Songs; Lisao by Qu Yuan; The Fifth of the Twenty Poems about Drinking Wine by Tao Yuanming; Being Invited to Drink by Li Bai; Expressing Feelings in Five Hundred Words on the Way to Fengxian County from the Capital by Du Fu; Song of the Departing Son By Meng Jiao; Touring Qiantang Lake in Spring by Bai Juyi; Prelude to Water Melody--The Mid-Autumn Festival by Su Shi; and so on, we will gradually understand how these poets` thoughts came into being during the time in which they lived.

2. 岑夫子,丹丘生,将进酒,杯莫停。
    Breatfast is very important.

3. 不顺时,列出幸福的清单,这幸福的清单中有同事的关怀,有爱人的关心,有生命的存在,有晴朗的天气,有欢唱的小鸟,有明媚的阳光……原来生活是公平的,在磨练的同时,给予了对生活的乐观豁达态度,倘若无精打采地烤着面包,那么面包就是苦的;倘若心情怨恨地酿着葡萄酒,那么怨恨的毒液就会滴进酒里。
    Not agreeable, list happy detailed list, this concern that is happy to have a colleague in the detailed list, there is lover of concern, there is vital existence, there is clear weather, enjoy the singing of small bird, there is bright and beautiful sunlight ……live originally is fair, gave at the time of whetting to practice to life of optimistic and open-minded ttitude, if roast a bread in poor fettlely, so the bread is bitter; Mood grudge if ground the wear wine, hating so of venom meeting drop enter wine inside.

4. 冰块倒入杯子里,压榨两块柠檬角并挂于杯口,加入进酒,注入适量干姜汁并搅合。
    Fill the glass with ice, squeeze in two wedges of lemon and drop them into the glass, add gin, top with ginger ale, and stir.

5. 李白的诗保存到现在的有990多首,其中的《将进酒》、《蜀道难》、《望庐山瀑布》等名诗,世代被人们传颂。
    Some 900 poems of Li Bai have been preserved, of which the most famous are Invitation to Wine, The Sichuan Road, and Watching the Waterfall at Lushan.

6. 进酒

6. 她巧妙地以唐代诗人李白的《将进酒》为主题,采用丝、麻、棉麻等天然面料,款式宽、大、飘逸,追求一种潇洒、浪漫、豪爽的情怀。
    She chooses natural fabrics of silk, flax and cotton, and puts on the cloak the poem Invitation to Wine of Li Bai in Tang Dynasty in the Chinese cursive calligraphy.

7. 进酒是什么意思

7. 部分是由于进酒禁令的原因,如今各种各样的这类啤酒充斥着美国啤酒市场。
    Prohibition, a variation of this type of beer is dominant in the United Statestoday.

8. 进酒在线翻译

8. 如分菜、上汤、进酒等方式也因合理卫生的食法被引入中餐礼仪中。
    If sub-dish on the soup into alcohol and reasonable manner because of the method was introduced just because health rites.

9. 从2003年后期,一些新入行的葡萄酒进口商开始尝试从小国家进酒,如马其顿、保加利亚、突尼斯等。
    Since late 2003, more new importers started to import wines from small countries like Macedonia, Bulgaria, Tunisia, etc.

10. 进酒什么意思

10. 都会得奉觞进酒
    Would have brought into wine sandy-loamed moon tonight.

11. 进酒

11. 音乐始终是疆进酒坚持不懈的追求,有来自各民族乐队的倾情表演,带来现代音乐元素的经典。
      The design of Jinag Jin Jiu Bar is expressly thought to make you feel as if you were sitting in a cozy place in remote Xinjiang rather than in bustling Beijing.

12. 也许,那些吧员和他们的朋友能在不断进酒时有些责任心或直接取走车钥匙,那么醉酒驾驶引发的惨案不幸将越来越少。
      Perhaps if the bartender or the friend who has been serving drinks all night took responsibility and take the keys away, there would be less drunk driving fatalities.

13. 前言:引起大罐贮存黄酒变质酸败的原因有:①操作和进酒过程染杂菌;
      The causes of deterioration and rancidity of yellow rice wine included: ① contamination during operation process;

14. 遂进酒劝玄德。
      So saying, they offered Xuande wine.

15. 控制要点:过滤前用清水充满进酒管路;
      The control methods were as follows: clean water filling into beer inlet pipe before filtration;

16. 将他们同名诗歌《将进酒》进行对读,就能发现他们作为诗人在格调、情感寄托方式和寓意上各有差别,也更能使人理解他们悲剧的时代与人生。
      When we read these two poems, we find they are different in style, emotion to be conveyed and implied meaning, and thus we can understand better their tragic times and lives.

17. 那天不经意读到李白的《将进酒》,心里一震。
      That`s the outcome of my months` accumulation and good eloquence.

18. 进酒的意思

18. 本文试图将原诗与杨宪益和戴乃迭夫妇翻译的英文版《将进酒》进行对比,也许你在惊叹于中国文字的奇妙的同时会深深体会到翻译的窘境。
      The paper launches an attempt to compare it and the translated version by Yang Xianyi and Dai Naidie, from which one may marvel at the wonder of the Chinese language and get a taste of the awkwardness of translation.

19. 在中国,酒常常被当做一种工具,所谓醉翁之意不在酒。如青梅煮酒是为了论证谁是英雄;杯莫停的将进酒,为的是与尔同消万古愁;竹林里狂歌的七贤,为的是借酒避难。
      I think in a different cultural background and different walks of life, different people, and even different frame of mind which was to understand the extent of different ways.

20. 如青梅煮酒是为了论证谁是英雄;杯莫停的将进酒,为的是与尔同消万古愁;竹林里狂歌的七贤,为的是借酒避难。
      Qingmeizhujiu as to demonstrate who is a hero; Cup Mo Jiang Jinjiu stop in order to eliminate forever the same and Seoul worry; bamboo Poets of the Seven Sages, in order to Jiejiu asylum.
