




进呈 双语例句

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1. 先由敬奉於死者的奠祭食物来看,下葬前、虞祭时、祔庙后,整个奠祭过程中仪式场所、牲体的处理与分解、奠祭牲体的部位、进呈次序的先后、食物陈设之方位、食物之生与熟、整体与部分……均呈现出丰富的差异与意涵。
    In ritual food offerings, the location of the ritual, the handling and dividing up of the sacrifice, the parts of the sacrificed animal, the order of the process, the presentation and arrangement of the food, raw and cooked, whole and part, all present an abundance of symbolic differences and meanings.

2. 进呈什么意思

2. 由于它在时代没有正式公开的地位,因此它的传递和进呈与普通题奏本有著较大的差别,这也是保证密疏能否快捷、保密、直达御前的关键。
    As they had no official and open position, the transmission and submission of secret memorials had great differences from the normal ones.

3. 进呈什么意思

3. 俾能得出更好的进呈就是我给予最佳及最劣 PV 误差及 Strehl ratio 的原因。
    In order to give a better presentation that's why I have given the best and the worst PV error and Strehl ratio.

4. 进呈什么意思

4. 通过分析,笔者认为在进呈《第六书》之前,康氏的改革路线仍然坚持上下两院制的议会体系,下院的结构和职权在康氏议会思想中占主导地位。
    Through a thorough analysis, the author has drawn the following conclusions.

5. 大臣向皇帝进呈运河形势图。
    The minister presented the canal situation chart to the emperor.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. 但是岳钟琪在十月二十日详细上奏逮捕、审讯投书之人的奏摺,却是单独进呈,倒是让人颇为意外。
    What is immediately surprising about Yue Zhongqi's report of October 30 detailing the messenger's arrest and interrogation is that it is sent on its own.

7. 图表显示:托雅广告投进呈现出逐渐下降的趋势,然而有趣的是,营业收进却呈现出大幅度的攀升。
    As can be seen from the chart, the advertising investment of Toya revealed a trend of gradual decrease, but interestingly, its sales witnessed a trend of increase by leaps and bounds.

8. 进呈

8. 论明代密疏的传递与进呈
    Transmission and Submission of Secret Memorials in Ming Dynasty

9. 结果出血病程、出血次数与食管胃静脉曲张程度、门静脉扩张程度及肝功能分级不相关,与腹水和脾功亢进呈负相关。
    Results Duration and number of episodes of bleeding were not related to grade of esophagogastric varices, diameter of portal vein and hepatic function but negatively related to ascites and hypersplenism.
