


词典to pay bills

词典to pay a debt


词典to settle accounts结账。

词典to square accounts

还帐 网络解释

1. 还帐什么意思

1. pay one's due:pay on delivery => 货到付款 | pay one's due => 还帐 | pay one's score => 付帐

还帐 双语例句

1. 还帐的解释

1. 从法律角度讲,只要你在约定的期限内还帐就可以了。
    Tell from legal angle, it is OK to want you to pay bills inside conventional deadline only.

2. 还帐不拖延是我的原则。
    It is my policy to pay all my bills without delay.

3. 还帐什么意思

3. 他欠我们钱,却不愿还帐
    He owes us money, but he won't coughup.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. 我对还帐已经顾不上了,让他们等着吧,就这样。
    I've got past caring how to pay the bills; people will just have to wait, that's all.

5. 他欠我们钱,却不愿还帐
    He owes us money, but he won't cough up.

6. 如果说对我老妈最重要的是买新沙发,那麼对我老爸最重要的就是还帐
    If the most important thing to my mother was buying a couch, the most important thing to my father was paying it off.

7. 如果你最后才考虑它们,多数情况下结果会是不储蓄或不还帐
    If not, if you pay them last … you`ll often end up shortchanging them.

8. 但之后当你收到账单时,要还帐的人是你,不是医生。
    But later on the bill, you are the one to suffer from the bill.

9. 还帐的反义词

9. “你能不能告诉我,你还帐的钱是怎么来的?”
    " Would you mind telling me how you made the money to pay back my loan? "

10. 还帐的意思

10. 我一人在家种8亩田,犁田打耙、挑草头打谷,农活都是自己干,很少请人帮忙,丈夫去世时欠下的1.6万元债务,到现在我已还了1.2万元,大儿子结婚时我又拿出6000元,今年7亩田稻谷收了6300斤,1亩田高粱收了300多斤,还喂了一头牛,两头猪,我想卖出去后用来还帐,争取在今明两年中把余下的4000元债务还完。
    My people at home one species of 8 acres of fields, playing harrow plow, pick grass head threshing, do farm work are their own, very few people to help her husband when he dies, to 1.6 million yuan debt owed, up to now I have also 1.2 million, when my eldest son to marry again come up with 6, 000 yuan this year, 7 acres Tian collected 6300 kg of rice, 1 acre of sorghum fields collection 300多斤, but also fed a cow, 两头猪, I want to sell used to also go after the account, for the next two years, put the remaining 4, 000 yuan debt yet.

11. 他们一个劲儿要他还帐
      They kept at him for payment.

12. 赖帐不还帐或不付工钱给他人从而欺骗他人。
      To swindle a person by not paying a debt or wager.

13. “你能不能告诉我,你还帐的钱是怎么来的?”
      " Would you mind telling me how you made the money to pay back my loan?"
