迎客松[yíng kè sōng]
词典The Pine Greeting Guests:迎客松。
迎客松[yíng kè sōng]
The Pine Greeting Guests
1. Guest-Greeting Pine:Mount Huangshan; Yellow Mountain 黄山 | Guest-Greeting Pine 迎客松 | the Peak of Unique Beauty 独秀峰
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. the Welcoming Pine:7. in an infinite variety of forms (千姿百态) | 8. the Welcoming Pine (迎客松) | 9. the Lying-Dragon Pine (卧龙松)
1. 寺外凤凰松、迎客松、伞盖松等千年古松,郁郁葱葱。
Phoenix寺外Song, Welcome Song, song, such as the Millennium Gusong canopy, green and luxuriant.
2. 迎客松是什么意思
2. 衡水龙田贸易有限公司是专业生产经营高挡水晶内画鼻烟壶、花瓶、摆球、壁挂、圣诞吊球:图案有清明上河图、八骏图、五牛图、百子图等名画类;有十八罗汉、八仙过海等历史典故传说图类;有万里长城、黄山迎客松等著名风景建筑图类;有孔子、孙中山等古今名人肖像类。
Hengshui Longtian Trade Co., Ltd. is a professional production and operation of high draw block crystal snuff bottle, vases, before the ball, wall hanging, Christmas lob: patterns have Riverside, Chun eight maps, Blades maps hundred paintings and other types of subgraph; has eighteen Lohans, Eight Immortals crossing the sea, etc. Figure legends history category; there is The Great Wall, Mount Huangshan Pine and other famous scenic Yingke building graphs; have Confucius, Sun Yat-sen and other types of ancient and modern celebrity portrait.
3. 提起被列入世界遗产名录的黄山迎客松,人们并不陌生。
Mention has been inscribed on the World Heritage List of the Huangshan welcoming pine, it is no stranger.
4. 接着,我们去下一个景点——迎客松和送客松。
Then, we go to the next attraction - welcoming song song and see a visitor out.
5. 前面,迎客松与送客松像两位礼宾,正在欢迎游客的到来,它们屹立在悬崖边,翠绿的叶子,笔直的树干。
In front of welcoming song as the song and see a visitor out two protocol, the arrival of tourists are welcome, they stand at the cliff, green leaves, straight trunk.
6. 迎客松是什么意思
6. 黄山的迎客松早以其特殊的造型而闻明于世。
The world famous visitor-greeting pine has long been known for its singular build.
7. 迎客松
7. 是的,不会。噢,那是迎客松。
Oh, that is Guest–Greeting Pine.
8. 911查询·英语单词
8. 黄山的迎客松早以其特殊的造型而闻名于世。
The world-famous Visitor-Greeting Pine has long been known for its singular build.
9. 你瞅你一脸褶子,比松针还密,你搁那一站就一迎客松!
You look you look Zhezi than pine needle Federated also, that you stand on a huge pine disappear!
10. 早期守护迎客松的工作人员的任务是每天仔细观察迎客松的松针、树皮、枝干等的变化及天气状况、病虫害等。
Early guard welcoming pine task of the staff carefully observed each day welcoming pine for pine needles, bark, branches and other changes and weather conditions, pests and diseases.
11. 由迎客松往东去,可至黄山三大主峰中最险峻的天都峰,上天都峰并非易事,必须经陡峻奇险的天梯。
By welcoming pine to the east, to the peak of Huangshan three most dangerous tiandoufeng, and easy on tiandoufeng must be approved by the steepest singular danger the rock.
12. 自然界,阴阳相合是天道,总还是需要迎客松来增加那么一点女人的柔媚。
In Nature, Yin and Yang are consistent or united. A Guest-Greeting Pine may add a bit gentle and lovely temperament.