

过门不入[guò mén bú rù]

词典pass one's own house but never entering it -- be very busy with [devoted to] public duty

词典One did not even enter one's home when one happened to pass by on one's way.

词典so devoted to public service as to forget one's personal interests

过门不入 汉英大词典

过门不入[guò mén bú rù]

pass one's own house but never entering it -- be very busy with [devoted to] public duty; One did not even enter one's home when one happened to pass by on one's way.; so devoted to public service as to forget one's personal interests

过门不入 双语例句

1. 过门不入

1. 啊,我唯一的朋友,我最亲爱的人儿,我家的门都是敞开的——千万别像梦一样的过门不入啊。
    Oh my only friend, my best beloved, the gates are open in my house---do not pass by like a dream.

2. 过门不入的翻译

2. 表姐的车夫看见方先生,奇怪你过门不入,他告诉了表姐,表姐又告诉我。
    My cousin's chauffeur saw you and was surprised you didn't come in. He told my cousin and she told me.

3. 但至昨日,梅妈乘车再往殡仪馆,记者见她抵达时竟过门不入,并折返跑马地寓所,问她所为何事,梅妈语带双关地说:「因为个心有做h,我有心脏病饱I」上楼未几梅妈又再外出,往九龙塘成龙办公室亲自主持爱女治丧委员会会议,决定反客为主,不再等人汇报。
    Last night, Mui Ma went to Jacky Chan's office to be in charge of the meeting of the committee, she is not going to wait for anyone to report to her about the meeting.
