

过费[guō fèi]


词典go to undue expense过费。

过费 汉英大词典

过费[guō fèi]

[方] (过分浪费) go to undue expense

过费 双语例句

1. 你能不能去找一下那个送奶人,他来收过费了。
    Would you mind seeing to the milkman, he's called for this money.

2. 总统表示他将否决过费支出计划。
    The president said he will veto excessive spending.

3. 过费的近义词

3. 请将交过费的处方交给我。
    Give me your paid prescription, please.

4. 我没有逃过费,所以不知道。9 n k; A0 w+ I5
    I have nothing to lose but a whole world to gain!

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 在目前的体制中,一旦图书馆停订,就不再能获取那些曾经付过费的卷期。
    In this present system, if a library cancels its subscription, it loses access to volumes that it has already paid for.

6. 过费

6. 笑,你的意思是你在这三种场地都赢过费了,是么???
    RAFAEL NADAL: I won against him on hard court final of Dubai.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. 一些喝过费伍德被玷污了的水变得凶猛的熊怪在这里袭击路人。
    Some furbolgs, drive feral by drinking the foul waters of Felwood, will attack travelers as well.

8. 费先生在报纸上发表的文章有很大的读者群,包括各种各样的人,大多数既非农民也非知识分子。他们都读过费先生讲到的中国社会问题,而且都很欣赏。
    Fei had developed a large audience for his newspaper articles; all sorts of people, mostly people neither peasants nor intellectuals, read and admired what he had to say about the problems of China.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. 蒙特莎宣称,在1993年之前,它从未见过费列罗Rocher巧克力产品,尽管费列罗称,该公司从1984年起就在中国销售产品。
    It said it had not seen a Ferrero Rocher before 1993, though the Italian company says it began selling in China in 1984.
