

边外 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 清代柳条边外城镇的发展,基本奠定了现在吉、黑两省的城镇职能类型与布局。
    The development of towns of the Wicker Outside of Qing Dynasty basically laid a foundation of the function and distribution of the towns in Ji and Hei provinces today.

2. 边外

2. 边外城镇的这种突变型的发展模式是迥异于边内地区的。
    The development mode of this sudden change is different from that of the Wicker Inner.

3. 边外

3. 第三部分,介绍了清中前期与后期边外城镇的发展模式。
    Part Three introduces the development mode of the town of between early middle and end of Qing Dynasty.

4. 在两种构象中两个同碳取代基位于 a -角碳上,另一个取代基位于 a -边外取向。
    Two geminal substituting groups are located at α-corner carbon atom, and the third group is at α-side- exo carbon atom in both conformations.

5. 边外

5. 丹纳赫传动洋国区总司理不一江师长教师更是表现:我们很懊丧不妨与洋国的包拆板滞OEM创作发明商单干,帮忙他们安排和创作发明不入愈加矮效且得当国边外阛阓的板滞。
    Drive, General Manager of wanjiang China is Mr. said: we are very excited to be able to and China's ucima OEM manufacturers to help them design and manufacture of more efficient and suitable for domestic and foreign markets.

6. 认为放弃大宁卫的根本原因,除明成祖欲控制藩王的考虑外,是当时大宁城池已残破,又孤悬边外,在明朝处于守势的情况下无法屯田,后勤供给困难,这与后来内撤开平卫的情形基本相同。
    The main reason of deserted the Da Ning, except Zhu Di desired to control the imperial prince Ning Wang, is that the city was already destroyed in the war and it located far away from Great wall. Therefore could not farm there when Ming troops in defend position, the provision supply is very difficult. It was the same reason as deserted Kai Ping garrison afterward.

7. 清后期,随着政府治策的转变,随着国际环境的改变,处于边疆前沿地区的边外城镇进入大发展时期,城镇发展十分迅速,城镇职能朝着多样化的方向转变,与边内地区城镇化水平的差距在短时期内明显缩小。
    The gap of urbanization between the towns inside and outside of the line is narrower in a short period.

8. 分析了两种酞菁的电子结构及吸收谱成因,并由吸收边外推得到两种材料的光学禁带宽度。
    The optical band gap of each material was also derived from the extrapolation of the edge of absorption.

9. 动态分析带有不同取代基的α角顺取代和α-边外取代[3333]-2-酮构象的相互转化的结果表明,它们的转换路径基本一致,转换能垒随着取代基体积的增大而升高。
    The calculated results show that their interconversion paths are consistent basically, the preferred conformation is α - side-exo - [3333] - 2-one and the interconversion energy barrier is increased along with the increase of the volume augmentation of the substituent groups.

10. 边外的翻译

10. 长春油田是1988年发现的弱挥发油油藏,油田属于断块油气藏,油田开发采取边外注水,高速开发的政策。
    Changchun Oilfield is a weak volatile oil reservoir found in 1988. It belongs to faulted oil and gas pool. The oilfield adopted the policy of outer edge waterflood and high speed development.

11. 第六部分则论述固原镇与边外各民族的军事活动和贸易往来。
      The sixth part discusses the Guyuan town with the outside edge of Nation of military activities and trade.

12. 动态分析带有不同取代基的α角顺取代和α-边外取代[3333]-2-酮构象的相互转化的结果表明,它们的转换路径基本一致,转换能垒随着取代基体积的增大而升高。
      The calculated results show that their interconversion paths are consistent basically, the preferred conformation is α - side-exo - [ 3333 ] - 2-one and the interconversion energy barrier is increased along with the increase of the volume augmentation of the substituent groups.
