1. 在一份措辞严厉的326页判决书中,法官林文瀚接受了陈龚两人系情人关系的辩辞,但彻底驳回了陈振聪继承龚如心遗产的请求。
In a harshly worded 326-page judgment, Justice Johnson Lam yesterday accepted the two had been lovers but categorically rejected Mr Chan's claims to Wang's estate: The relationship between and Nina started off as a relationship of feng shui master and client on a commercial basis...
2. 在那日,不义者的辩辞,无裨于自身,他们也不得邀恩。
So on that Day no excuse of theirs will avail the transgressors, nor will they be invited to seek grace.
3. 辩辞的意思
3. 这自卑的辩辞,不朽的罪悔,他那叛弃的言语和行迹。
The soul deceived. Honour belied.
4. 儒士之辩与策士之辩&试比较《孟子》与《战国策》的辩辞
Debate with the plotter one in the debating of Confucian scholar & compare between the excuse of Mencius and the Warring States scheme
5. 但是,对花费如此大笔资金保护公司首脑所作的这些辩辞并不能让一些维权投资者信服。
Such justifications for shelling out big bucks to protect corporate chiefs don't sway some activist investors.
6. 在那日,不义者的辩辞,无裨于自身,他们也不得邀恩。
So on that Day no excuse of theirs will avail the transgressors, nor will they be invited (then) to seek grace (by repentance).
7. 辩辞
7. 第一个辩辞很愚蠢。
The first defence is silly.
8. 我去质问助教,于是他引荐我去找杰恩教授,杰恩教授听取了我充满激情的辩辞,但却无动于衷。
I confronted the teaching assistant, who referred me to Professor jayne, who listened to my impassioned arguments but remained unmoved.