




辙迹 网络解释

1. 辙迹在线翻译

1. rut:rut 挖槽于 | rut 辙迹 | ruthenium 钌

2. rut n:rum n. 甜酒;a. 古怪的,奇特的 | rut n. 辙迹,常规,常例;v. 交尾,发情 | rye n. 裸麦,黑麦

辙迹 双语例句

1. 他使我的精神苏醒。为了他自己之名的缘故他引导我走对的辙迹
    He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

2. 芳香和青春从我面前经过,而我只是它们的辙迹
    Perfume and youth course through me and I am their wake.

3. 路面上有磨损而形成的深凹辙迹
    There were deep ruts worn in the road.

4. 那地方并不绝对荒凉,也还有些行人来往,也还不是田野,多少还有几栋房屋和几条街道;既不是城市,因为在这些街道上,正和在大路上一样,也有车轮的辙迹;也不是乡村,因为房屋过于高大。
    This hovel was only one story high.

5. 车轮压出的辙迹必须填平,以便行人车辆通行。
    The ruts must be filled in so that traffic can pass.

6. 辙迹的反义词

6. 黑暗,辙迹,冰冷而且移动困难
    Dark, rutted, cold and hard to turn.

7. 老子说善行无辙迹;行是一定有痕迹的,除非能飞。
    Laotse said that a good runner leaves no track.

8. 善行无辙迹,善言无瑕谪;善数不用筹策;善闭无关楗而不可开,善结无绳约而不可解。
    A good fastener needs no rope to hold its bond.

9. 辙迹的解释

9. 善行无辙迹,善言无瑕讁
    A good runner leaves no track.

10. 雨水抹去了货车留下的辙迹
    The rain had wiped away the tracks left by the cart.
