

轻而易举[qīng ér yì jǔ]

词典be an easy job to...轻而易举。

词典as easy as ABC极其容易;轻而易举。

词典can be done in a slipshod way轻而易举。


词典can be easily done轻而易举。

轻而易举 汉英大词典

轻而易举[qīng ér yì jǔ]

be an easy job to...; as easy as ABC; can be done in a slipshod way; can be easily done; come easy [natural] to one; easy to accomplish; easy to undertake [handle]; in a breeze; in one's stride; with the greatest of ease:


    This is no easy job.


    Don't think you can succeed without making an effort.

轻而易举 网络解释

1. 轻而易举

1. He won the game hands down:229. I'll bet/you bet.肯定的. | 230. He won the game hands down.轻而易举. | 231. Don't horse around.别胡来乱搞.

2. 轻而易举的翻译

2. with great ease:旁观者清 An onlooker sees most of the game. | 轻而易举 with great ease | 十年树木,百年树人 It takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred

3. 轻而易举

3. A piece of cake:A little piece of advice. 让我来给你点建议. | A piece of cake. 轻而易举. | Another day, another dollar. 和往常一样.

4. 轻而易举是什么意思

4. with ease:take the consequence of 承担......的后果 | with ease 轻而易举 | at ease, ill at ease 舒服,宽松
